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Position:Home>Philosophy> One man's dream is another man's afterthought?

Question: One man's dream is another man's afterthought!?
What does this mean to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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We're all apart of the collective conscious!. We share the same hopes, desires, and dreams through the network of human experience!.

Peoples desires do not just resemble each-others, people tune into the collective consciousness and share each-others emotions/experiences!.

The afterthought of one man becomes the literal dream of another!. Ideas are not the inner personal experiences we deem them to be!. Why is it that when a scientist discovers some phenomena in said field, other people seemingly instataneously begin to discover things in that field all over the world, without firsthand knowledge of the discovery!?

We're all tuned in!. The mind is like an ancestoral trash heap!. The stress, worry, hate etc!. we feel comes from our ancestors, which we shall pass on!. Our experiences also affect those around us!. Hitler was not a great speaker because people agreed with what he had to say, Hitler was a great speaker because the crowd literally "felt" his words!. He spoke with such passion and conviction that people felt his words his feelings!. Not "like" him, his feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One has felt they accomplished that particular goal, when another feels he is still in process!.

I can also look at it in the aspect of different motivations!. One man feels that particular motivation is of no importance, when another feels a stronger motivation to obtain that dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even the dreams of reality that are based upon realistic perception and analysis which when said as idea, as response, as explanation, would definitely becomes the afterthought of next one who follows the same track and it's undoubtedly a chain reaction in all the scientific inventions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means to me!.!.!.!.that what one man hopes for and longs for, is what another man dismisses without a thought!.!.!.kind of along the lines of 'one's man trash is another man's treasure!.' It's just that we all value different things in this life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means that everything is now right here and available !.!.!.you just choose a use of it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com