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Position:Home>Philosophy> Arrogance in Believers and Atheists...who's worse?

Question: Arrogance in Believers and Atheists!.!.!.who's worse!?
Its the height of ARROGANCE to claim that we know god or know that there is a god!.

But its also the height of ARROGANCE to claim to KNOW there is NO GOD!.

Some of these exteme atheists are so pompous, so certain, and so strident in thier FAITH that there is NO GOD that they really stick in my craw!. There is literally no difference between them and believers!. Yet they can't see how they fall into the SAME fallacies and logical failings!.

Forget Santa Claus, unicorns, or dragons!. Those are idiotic fantasies!. I am speaking of "god" as FIRST CAUSE!. First cause theory is still hotly debated in the world of quantum physics, philosophy, and cosmology!. To BLINDLY state that a first cause doesn't exist is the height of stupidity and arrogance!.

Occam's razor is another bad argument used by these extreme atheists!. As anyone with a brain knows, Occam's razor breaks down when dealing with quantum phenomena!. Ex: electron tunnelling!. TRY AGAIN!.

AGNOSTICISM is the only sensible option, NOT ATHEISM!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my view, we are neither capable of Total or Absolute faith nor of Total or Absolute denial!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. we are not strong enough to reach and stay at the either extremes, especially as our life experiences keep stretching our convictions every now and then!. I therefore believe that it is indeed high arrogance to claim oneself to be either an Absolute Believer or an Absolute Atheist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you really want to know how people really feel so you can choose whether or not to associate with them!. If everyone kept their thoughts to themselves we'd never have a chance to know each other!. It's not arrogance to state your beliefs it's mere ignorance from lack of knowledge in not being able to see all sides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"AGNOSTICISM is the only sensible option, NOT ATHEISM!."

I agree with you here but try not to become too arrogant about your agnosticism!.

And in response to Scott above!. If God made the universe, who, or what made God!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both, the most arrogant people I've ever came across!. And Agnostics are just a small step behind them!. And to ask, like Andrew G: "Who created God!?" is totally devoid of any logic!.
Then my answer is: "Who created your parents, parents and parents !.!.!.!.!.!.et infinity" Children do not create their parents!. Not what I know of! I still think: "the jury is still out" !. We might all be wrong, or all be right!. All humans have a believe system, and if you want to call it religion, go ahead!

Atheism is the absence of belief in that which is without evidence!.

Aren't we lucky that you are not arrogant enough to tell us what we should believe!.

Oh, wait, I just read it again!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well what i say to the atheist people is then how were people created!? how was earth made!?did we magically pop out of nowhere!?no! their is a god and has to be a god because how else did life come to be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If agnosticism is the only way, why ant all Christians also believers in all religions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


i'm a believer and i don't have an answer to that!. i think they're both at least a little arrogant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without acceptance!.!.!.life has no meaning!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, thanks for demonstrating that agnostics are not the mealy-mouthed fence-straddlers that some believe them to be!. Some agnostics can be as militant and, yes, arrogant as the rest!.

Who is "blindly" stating that first causes don't exist!? There is actually some science to back up the notion of no first cause!. Inflation theory, brane theory, and some versions of string theory give some strong indications that while our _current_ universe may be finite in age, the natural processes that led to it can be infinite in age--i!.e!., eternal!.

Let's say for the sake of argument, though, that our current universe is all there is!. Well first of all, there's still no reason why a "first cause" could not have been natural!. Time (along with space) only began when our universe began, and as any cosmologist will tell you, the laws of physics--including causality--break down in a singularity, which is precisely what our universe began as!.

But let's go even further, and say that your assumption (and that's exactly what it is) is true, namely that the universe needed a "first cause" and that that first cause could _only_ have been some deity-figure!. OK, but!.!.!.what caused the god!? What makes this god immune from needing a first cause himself!? Why is it, exactly, that a god could have existed for eternity before creating our universe, but no natural cause or phenomenon or energy field could have!?

Sorry, but deities of any and all kinds still remain on equal ground with Santa, unicorns & dragons!. The fact that you have chosen so vehemently, to the exclusion of all other possibilities, one faulty argument to rely on (namely first cause), indicates that you are less agnostic, and more arrogant, than you would like to believe yourself to be!.

P!.S!. You might want to read up a bit on your cosmology!. Unless you're the type who prefers to disregard science when it conflicts with personal beliefs!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com