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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is 'radical-feminism' god's fault?

Question: Is 'radical-feminism' god's fault!?
i mean!.!.!. adam was doing fine on his own(he already have the animals as companions!.!. yet god thought he was lonely!.!.) so, god decided to play with him by creating a woman to be his additional companion!.!. or more as entertainment!.!.

this eventually led to his downfall, the evidence of which is still felt now!.!. with 'radical-feminists feeding men and the society with bad apples -sugarcoated with reforms for equality!.

pls be generous with your philosophies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is logical!.!.!.

Do think god exists!? if no, no need to discuss!.!.!. right!?

OK, if god exists, do you think god is perfect !?
If god's perfect, god will not make any fault!.
Faults are the misunderstanding of people!.
Since god is perfect, no need to further this discussion!.

If god exists but not perfect,
why should we complain about god's fault!. As we know that he's not perfect anyway!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Answer #1: god thought the Garden was getting a little too messy, so he created Eve to clean things up a bit (or to nag Adam to)!.

Answer #2: god realized that horny man + nothing but animals = something god didn't care for!.

It's important to note, however, that the apple in question came from the tree of knowledge of good & evil!. So technically, Adam couldn't have known that eating it was bad!. (Nor could Eve for that matter!.) Ergo, god really had no right kicking them out!. Unless he wanted them out all the time, and just came up with the whole apple thing as a post-hoc justification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God created women to balance out the equation, men are usually tough, aggressive, quick tempered and don't think before they act!. So God created Eve to help Adam, both half's make a whole!. Without Eve life would not have progressed, without women life would be ugly, brutal--much worse than it is!.

It is men who have killed thousands of animals and human beings, not Women!. Women show compassion and kindness to the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are things that even our current science is incapable of explaining!. When Genesis was written even less of how the natural world works was understood!. The languages in use at that time were incapable of even describing many of the things every teenager takes for granted today!.
Analogies have limited ranges of validity!. If you push an analogy like the cosmological story in Genesis too far it falls apart!. Science and religion both have truths to tell us!. The truths of science are all things that can be either true or false!. Observation is how we decide what is truth and what is false!.

The truths of religion are not capable of being proved false!. If we look at the cosmological story in Genesis and identify which pronouncements are capable of being disproved through observation, all the things that are left are the religious truth that should guide our lives!.

God gave people free will!. That means we make the decisions that impact not only ourselves but those around us!. Generalizing that one group or another is to blame for some thing that has happened rather than looking at the individuals is a mistake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Radical Feminism itself is a lie TOLD TO WOMEN!.!.!.!.unfortunately they pay a tragic price for believing in something that is against their divine 'nature'!. Men are actually promoters of radical feminism in the sense that they support abortion, so that they don't have to be responsible for the children they conceive!. The anti-motherhood sin of abortion is promoted by both men and women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but you are close!.
God would never, ever make anything as such!.

Feminism developed from thousands of years of neglect on women's rights!.

Men viewed them as inferior due to the bible, and witchcraft!.

I think everyone, men and women, deserve the same treatment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that god sent eve( the woman) to earth to show that life isnt a game!. it is filled with pain and struggle and u have to progress through to find eternal happinessWww@QuestionHome@Com

until u learn respect for women ,you will NEVER have a good relationship with them ,that's the problem isn't it !?
(and don't expect God to bail u out )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think God only made one mistake - not Adam, not Eve, but the mistake of giving humans the abillity to think!. It's waaay out of our league!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I consider radical feminism god's gift!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If God is a Zionist it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question offends me on so many levels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like someone just got dumped recentlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is no god!. the question is mootWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't this question is fair to this format!. I'm not sure I can adequately answer it without much more content than I have below, but I think it merits a response!.

First, I'd like to point out that you seem hypocritical to some degree!. This is because you wish to invoke theology to get your point across, yet your very avatar's name is "Darwin" (and while these are not mutually exclusive, it does seem that it is easier for a theologian to accept evolution as the MEANS through which God worked, but a hardcore Darwinist would find it difficult to accept "Intelligent Design" or "Creationism")!.

Second, your notion of Adam and Eve is completely restricted to orthodoxy!. You are regurgitating the traditional view of the "Garden of Eden;" however, if you had read the gnostic texts--that were also written during the early years of development of Christianity, you would find that Eve, in many ways, SAVED Adam from his misconception of what existed!. I will not go into detail here, but would challenge you to read the gnostic version of the "Garden of Eden!."

also, if one accepts the existence of God, then EVERY event is his (or rather its) fault!. Since he/she/it would have the power to make it otherwise, God is at fault for the way existence EXISTS!.

Next, while I find your language somewhat poetic (e!.g!., "feeding men and the society with bad apples- sugarcoated with reforms for equality"), I think they are misguided!. Given that I am in the US (and I am assuming you are too), we should look at the history and facts: (1) men had the right to vote long before women were given that power, (2) for every $1 a man makes, a woman makes $0!.70--note too that this is for the same work, and (3) we have had 43 Presidents--ALL have been White MEN!.

Lastly, you need to realize that we--as humans--fear what we do not understand!. I think if you took time to deeply engage the work and thoughts of radical feminist, you will simply see it as a "group of people" attempting to stand up for themselves!. If you had the same life experiences they have, I think you seem intelligent enough that you TOO would want to stand with others like you and have your voice heard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think any question inquiring on the intentions of God and if He meant to do something would always be yes (obviously)!. But radical feminism is actually a man-made (or woman made really) idea!. If you use the Bible as a reference, you also have to look at who wrote it: men!. If it was written by women, it would be different!. But this is solely thinking as a person who references the Bible and who carries a human-like idea of God!.
Now as a person who doesn't carry this idea, then I'd have to say no, it's not god's fault!. It's solely man's fault!. If there was a god responsible for creating the infinite complexity of life all the way down to atoms and molecules, quarks and gluons, then I seriously doubt this entity would care how we as a genetically inferior species would value our gender roles!. Genders is there for one reason: procreation!. The roles we assign to it are mainly psychological and sociological, but we initially are the ones that inforced those ideas!. It's our "fault" if you look at it as a movement that resulted in negative after effects!.
Personally I think we're getting out of gender roles, and it's been going on for decades!. I think men only rely on that whole idea for the sake of self validation!. If they were whole as a person, contributing to all aspects of our humanity, then they wouldn't have to fall back on such an inwardly focuses persona to feel better about their lives!. I have a coworker who does this and all he contributes to society is funny fart noises!. He needs this idea to put himself above something else on this planet for validation!. He also does this with other races!.Www@QuestionHome@Com