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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone been deconstructed, lately?

Question: Has anyone been deconstructed, lately!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bill & Hillary have been deconstructed by the democratic party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Great question!

I don't know that a person can be deconstructed!. I think we can have our egos!.!.!.our beliefs!.!.!.our perceptions and biases, among other things, deconstructed!.

As a professional coach and trainer, father, husband and occasional meditator, I am often involved in the process of deconstruction - for myself and others!. Its' not always pretty, fun or pleasant!. It is often necessary in order to raise one's consciousness to a new level!.

I wish you Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com