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Question: Ethical philosophical question on love and marriage!?
Do you believe that once you are married you commit your total love to only one person, vowing to never love another man/woman the same that you love your spouse!?

Is it better to just experience that one relationship of love or to broaden your experience and concept of love by loving more than one person!? Is it possible to love and be with more than one person without jealousy interfering!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my opinion, the human aspect of love is governed primarily by self making it improbable that jealousy would not enter the equation at any time!. Love in itself is an evolving of the spirit and cannot be truly contained by either concept or institution--ironically, it seems that in order to know love in it's truest sense, one must transcend self disregarding our own gain in order to give of ourselves completely so that the object of our love may have it in abundance-- perhaps the reflection of this query is: without the experience of reciprocation, what becomes the greater--to give, or to receive!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe many people do and can commit to one person for better or for worse, statistically more females than males!.

Having said that many people stray and manage to keep it secret, their partner not given the chance to decide if they are going to continue the relationship or not!. Within many marriages one of the partners knows the other has strayed but would prefer to ignore it!.

It would have to be a certain type of person or people to be able to share a partner without it destroying something of their relationship!.

It is very possible to love more than one person, which is why so many love triangles occur!.

Loving one person throughout your life gives you stability, similar to a child who has a loving encouraging parent in their lives to form the stability they need!.

Maybe your question is more, should people play the field before they marry, I would have to comment that the happiest couples I know met and married early and committed they're whole life long!.

If the answer to happiness was to sleep around or have many partners then we would have many happy single parent families, which we don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love everyone!. Love them as you feel!. there are many different types of love and expressions of love!.
Marriage is a different trip!.
Marriage is a legal process two people go through in the eyes of a government that gives the other person control over assets and rights!. Therefore if you love someone - find your own personal secret way to express that love - don't get married and involve the government!.
Love is an internal thing shared between two people!. Marriage is an external show of that internal love, and actually unnecessary!.
Hope this helps!.
In my experience it is possible to love more than one person at the same time - my love for my family is different to my girlfriend is different to my god, is different to my lapdancer, etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when you get married you commit to each other and ideally it's til death do you part, but sadly today commitment is a word that very few people understand he meaning of, someone in the marriage usually breaks their contract and whether it's infidelity or abuse of some kind (mental / physical) the marriage breaks down, in this throw away society of ours marriage usually ends up in the bin and hardly anyone tries to recycle it!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are different levels of love and regardless of how one is convinced that one can love two mates equally, there is always going to exist some disparity!. Some are forced to broaden their experience past marriage due to the actions of the other spouse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One and only one for me!. If my mate gets with another, she's gone!. I would never cheat on my lover or wife, and hope they wouldn't cheat on me!. As said, if they do, they are gone, because to me it's the same as a lie, and I hate liars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that, in our time, we can love many people in many different ways!. To try to love only one person is to go against one's nature!. We have evolved as social animals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats how it should be
u shoudnt look at any other man/woman the same way that u look at ur spouse
but besides ur spouse u have parents, siblings, friends, etc to have a different degree and kind of love withWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's possible to be with and love more than one person without jealousy interfering if neither one of them knows about the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"better" is meaningless here!. If monogamy works for you, great, if not, exploreWww@QuestionHome@Com