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Question: Euthyphro dilemma - God and Morality!?
Is an action morally good because God commands it, or does God command it because it is morally good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If an action is morally good because God commands it then morality is relative!. This dilemma shows that many people are deeply confused when they use God to define morality !. Most theists think that if God does not exist then there are no moral absolutes!.

You'll often hear the argument, "If there is no God then murder is not really bad its whatever I/you think it is!. If you don't believe in God then why wont you just go kill and hurt people!."

What they fail to realize, which is what this dilemma is all about- is if God brings ethical facts into existence by way of his commandments, then morality is what it is because of Gods say-so!. Good is not good its whatever God says it is!.

Is an action morally good because God commands it!?
If God said that it was morally acceptable to rape and murder people, would it be moral to do so!?
Most people would say of course not God wouldn't say that because its wrong!. (This is the point where I want to bang my head against the wall)

Hello!. Well then if God would not say that murder and rape is morally permissible because its wrong "THEN" God is not the source of morality!. Which way does the arrow point!?

I do not believe in God therefore I'm unable to answer your question!. But I will say this, "IF" an action is morally good because God commands it then morality is relative, if God commands an action because its morally good then morality is relative!. Absolute morality must be independent of every-ones say-so including Gods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In saying that good acts are not good in themselves, but only by the will of God, it seems that one destroys all the love of God and all his glory; for why praise God for being good if he could have done the opposite and be just as worthy of praise!? Where is God's justice if he rules like a despot -- arbitrariness taking the place of reason!?

Furthermore, it seems that the very act of willing presupposes some reason for the willing!. Thus, morality can't be said to merely be an effect of the will of God; rather God's moral law follows from his reason, which is no more dependent on his will than is his essence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think God created morals because, if we follow these moral rules, we will be happier and it will be better for all involved!. It seems as though, to me, that each moral rule is there to protect the other person!. For example, though shalt not steal!. You do not step over this line, because of how this would affect the other person: it wouldn't be right to take what another person has worked hard for!. It is kinda under the Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!. Treat others as you would want to be treated!. So, in a way, the moral rules are a courtesy to others around us, so if everyone followed them, it would cause a ripple effect of kindness and happiness in the world!. And by the way,to the person who replied to your question with "There is no God" there is no way you can convince me there is no God!. The Darwinism and cells mutating into beings theories are so idiotic, they are laughable!. Some people just do not like to think there is anyone that is greater or more intelligent than they are, so they come up with these crazy theories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There!. is!. no!. god!.

It makes absolutely no sense to debate such a thing, because all you have to do to change the outcome is to change your definition of god!. Since he is as real as santa claus, that's pretty easy!.

Sheldon you fell into the trap, now you have to explain how we can really call things good!. What if god had decided that rape and incest were good!? If good is decided by divine fiat, then it is arbitrary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since G-d created the universe, and not the other way around, G-d is the arbiter of what is morally good!. Moral good is defined however G-d defines it!. Thus, good is as G-d commands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God and good are one and the same!. One does not preclude the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morals are a society based creation!.

No god defined this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com