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Position:Home>Philosophy> How to find your Y-Answer, amidst 500+ respondants with a method better then...?

Question: How to find your Y-Answer, amidst 500+ respondants with a method better then!.!.!.!?
The question to be used in this here little experiment is an in-house link located @ : http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/!?qid=2!.!.!.

Best Answer =

1) Finding a more practical, efficient method then mine, or the first to streamline mine to make it practical and more efficient!.

2) I will consider peer-ratings, but won't limit myself to such in considering Best-Answer!.

My Method:

A) I typed my answer as 'SophiaSeeker'&clicked the 'Submit-button"; and afterwords noticed the info stated as "Answers 1-30 of 513"

B) I assume my answer is #513(the last one thus far at this very-point), and check it by!.!.!.

C) I click on the menu 'Show-Answers-button' and click on 'Newest to Oldest' and notice, Yes, my answer is on the 'Top' implying the 'Last' answer with info stating (showing 1-30 or so!.!.!. of 513!.!.!.

D) For Argument sake, say the total is currently 564!.
E) I subtract 564-513=51; the newest-oldest-menu says showing 1-30!.!.so I go to page #2, which !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lol, you're funny but way too complicated!. my method is far more simple!.!.!. I just keep in mind on what page my answer is on and get directly to that page after I click on the question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com