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Question: Do You Want To Die!?
I am not a retard just to let you know!. This is a survey to see the thoughts of other human beings other than myself!. The question doesn't mean would you like to die now!. I want to know if you want to stop living at some time!. No matter if you want to keep living or not, please tell me why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whenever I want anything, it is part of me that wants it and part of me that doesn't!. Like part of me wants to eat a gallon of ice cream, and part of me doesn't want to gain the weight!.

Part of me longs for the comfort of the grave!. Part of me wants to live forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to live the rest of my life, it is really great even though its not at all perfect and not specifically how I want it, but I have everything I need right now,god, friends, family, my lover, and just over all a good life!.If I were to die, I'd be happy and be fine with it and just hope people wouldn't be sad about it because I wouldnt want them to be in pain and be sad
& if I died I have heaven to look forward to because I'm saved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, at some point i do want to die!. life on earth is so messed up right now, with global warming and gas shortages and feuds with other countries!. i can only seeing our lives going downhill from here!. i believe when it's my time to die, i can accept it enough because life after death is supposedly much better then what we have now!. that also does with religion, too, and what everyone believes!.
besides that, dying is part of a cycle!. i wouldn't want to mess that up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is quite strange!.!.!.!.!. I can't see me ever wanting to die, even though I am very sure in my mind that I do not want to live forever (which I can see would really be an unbearable torture of losing value for time and thereby for life as well)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Death is the ultimate peace!.
No more chances of illness, no more pain, no more confusion, no more delusions, no more watching others waste their ONE chance to know love(God), no more hearing others talking about things of no real value, no more nothing!.!.

No problem what so ever!. I die then I die!. Immaterial!. I leave this place, where I learned as much as I can and go to the other side to prepare for the next trip!. To here!? Don't know, but anywhere (Andromeda XVI) should be fine!. As long as I can learn - even more!.

What a stupid question!?
I do not want to dies!. I want to live forever!.
Living and dying is not in our hands!.
The moment a living being is born, his journey towards death, begins!. No body knows, when and how, the life will end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yup, but later when i'm like 40 or something and i know its not old or anything but i want to see my life flash before my eyes XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

no because only god knows when your time is up and im not messing up destiny!.plus, im happy with my life!.at somepoint when a die okay im not saying im afraid to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes, when I suffer bouts of heavy depression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah I would like to die meet jesus and the rest of the family that has pastWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I'm afraid of death, and where I might go or realize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely!. I have had my "I want to die" moments, just like everybody else, I suspect!. However, what I do know for sure is that I don't want to live beyond my functional years!.

The moment I start getting senile and unable to take care of myself, think for myself, decide for myself - that's when I want to die, I think!. At that point when I am barely (or no longer) aware and conscious of myself, my actions, my surroundings, and my loved ones - I'll no longer be alive in the real sense, anyway; I'll only be existing and not living!. What's the use of prolonging the agony, eh!? Of course, it's still not my decision to make - but that's beside the point, I know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe many of us wish to die when something bad happens to us or the death of a loved one!.!.!.unless u become relli suicidal now that is a different topic!.!.!.but one thing i know for sure is that death is not exactly the ultimate peace, escpecially if you follow a religion like christianity or judaism or islam since all these depend on the idea of the existence of an after life where we all get punished for whatever sins we have done!.!.!.when you think abt it that way!.!.!.death might not be such a great thought!.!.!.but i personally accept death, i dont wish for it but i know that im not immortal!. therefore, live today like there is no tomorrow (use that saying in a wiser way than partying and such)
Afterall!.!.!.when ur born ur born crying while ever1 arnd u is smiling and when u die with a feeling of fulfilling everything u ever wanted, u die smiling with every1 arnd u cryingWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes i want to die!.!.!.!. eventually!.i may have had my suicidal tendancies, but this doesnt affect my answer okay!.Death is final, in my opinion, to the functioning human body!.However, i do not believe that it is final to the soul, as you may call it!.I do think that there is more than just death!.Surely life has a purpose!.Unfortunately, the only certain thing in life, is death!.Yet what happens after this, is an uncertainty!.Many people have their own opinions!.i would personally like to die at some point, as i think there are worse things in life than death!.Bearing in mind global issues today, eg global warming, rapists, murderers,poverty,starvation, war, just general corruption in mind, would you want to live forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com