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Position:Home>Philosophy> Natural rights?

Question: Natural rights!?
Do you think man (as in the human race) is born with certain rights ie the right to live or do you think that all rights are given to us by our goverments/rulers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rights are a socially constructed idea they cannot exist outside of society because without other people whether our rights are respected or not would be irrelevant!.

So in answer to your question, if someone was to be hypothetically born outside of society they would have no rights because
A!. They would be unable to perceive the concept
B!. Nobody would be around to respect or infringe upon said rights
C!. Due to the reasons above the very question would be irrelevant!.

Furthermore, our rights change depending on our society!. We now have the right to vote for our leaders in western countries, 1000 years ago this would have been unheard of!. And as for your example of the right to live, not everyone has that right as I am sure anyone on death row would tell you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emphatically NO!! You have no rights what-so-ever, not even to life!. You only possess "human responsibilities" The Bible says: "Thou shall not kill!." Full stop!. Nothing more nor less!. And nothing about life either!. The right to education!? Three generations ago, it was the father who taught the boys and the mother the girls, and only the things they needed to make, a life, for them self's!. Even electricity became a "human right"! Totally illogical!. It is your responsibility to teach, not to steal, not to lie, (you have the right not to be lied too!.! See the nonsense of this sentence!?)!. Not to kill, and not to break(down)!.

Everyone is an individual but unfortunately in this world where we live some people dont know how to take control of their own lives and need to have leaders to show them!.
This kinda puts the people that dont need that a little at a loss, and I think thats where we get wars and conflict from!.
If man knew how to live his life on earth in peace and harmony then nobody would need to be told what to do, we would just know!.
Life is not like that as everyone is different, some people dont know good from bad or evil from good, because without one there would be no other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com