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Position:Home>Philosophy> Agree or disagree.Love can solve any problem,please define your reasoning.?

Question: Agree or disagree!.Love can solve any problem,please define your reasoning!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree it can solve anything and I can give a few examples!.

1) Love is what causes us to lift from disease!. How do you think all these people who cured themselves from horrible diseases and ailments like cancer, can come out a-ok, leaving doctors baffled!? Love! They gave themselves nurturing, positive relationships, laughter, and lots of faith!. Those who do not lift from it, either it was their time to go or just have not learned their own personal lesson yet!.

2) Financial seems to be a common one I read about!. It's true, if I sit on the couch in a loving state of mind, im not going to get my bills paid!. However, I find that when I love my current job and situation, doors seem to open for me like never before, and yes, even financially!. Same when you follow a career/life path you love!. You cannot help but be led in the right direction for you!. i!.e!., meeting the right people to get a new job, get a promotion, etc!.

3) Others can say, but relationships end, love ends! Love does not end, but life lessons with that person can!. Maybe that person was with you for the perfect amount of time in order to both to learn from each other and move on!. Ending a relationship that does not suit you anymore is also an act of love!.

4) Last, some wounds stay with you for a while and need time to heal!. Giving yourself that time and room to heal is an act of love, and you'll heal a lot faster this way than otherwise!.

I can go and on all day here, giving examples but I think these will do!. I am one of those who believes life can be as simple as aligning with who you truly are or straying away from it a bit, which isn't ever in our best interest!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If love is also understanding, if understanding is a part or love, then yes, love can solve any problem!.

Love is a passion involving mind and heart equally

Love is an attitude of openness to take life, relationships, everyday problems, scientific mysteries or whatever else head on and with full hope and faith

Love is absolution - and I like to think of absolution as a word based on solution - to dissolve - to solve - to mingle perfectly with the laws of the Universe - to blend in harmoniously with Nature and become one with it - to be alone and separate no moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it can't and it would be trite to pretend that it's so but if you are loved and/or love someone then even the hardest situation can have a positive spin!. On UK TV Channel 4 we have had two programmes in the last week covering the horrendous situation people found themselves in on the day the London tubes were bombed!. These were very uplifting programmes because they showed the great heights of heroism some people can reach and also how very badly injured people can find inner strength to hang on if they have someone to live for and someone to help them through!.

Love can do great things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think love is a powerful thiing but it can't solve everything!. The biggest things I think love can't solve are financial problems!. As my mom always says, "Love doesn't pay the bills!." You can love someone all you want, but at the end of the day your love won't buy a roof over your head or a pot to piss in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Lets say i am late for work!. I'm running an hour late and i need to be somewhere in 20 minutes!. The train i am on will take 45 mins to get me to work!. As much as i love the train/my workplace/anything else, i am going to be late!. Point proven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


to love, or not to love, that is the problem
to not be loved is a far greater problem
love is a problem in itself
therefore; first responder was correctWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh I wish! but there's so many difficulties that arise in a lifetime that love alone doesn't cut it!.Without a job and a means of putting food on the table and giving your kids the things they need, well love can't do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

disagree!.!.!. two completely different couples that love each other can still come up with two completely different and incorrect solutionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nope it just blocks it out!. Love is like a pain killer( quite ironic as love itself cause many pain) It stops the feeling of the'pain' but it doesn't make it go away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any problem !!? Are U kidding !! NO!.!. of course!.!.
ALL love in the world won't solve financial problems!. It wont even stuff my wife's stomach!.!.Spiritual Love is another thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of my favorite verses:

"Even when love isn't enough, somehow it is"
by Stephen KingWww@QuestionHome@Com



x = 1/0
Find and write down x to the last decimal place using love!Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.so love solves itself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you truely love someone, you set them freeWww@QuestionHome@Com


My TV isn't working, should I love it up!?

what a waste of timeWww@QuestionHome@Com