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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever wonder of your own existence?

Question: Do you ever wonder of your own existence!?
Do you ever wonder that it's completely likely your whole life and everything you look at is merely an illusion, and you are not truly experiencing any of it!?

Ever feel like everything is not real!?

If you think about it, anything is just as likely as what we currently believe!. No, this is not a thing about god, I do not even believe in that!. Your entire life could be unreal, you may not be experiencing anything!. The six senses, and feelings, and everything could easily be illusion!. Do you ever want to get away, but wonder if it is any good, if it will do you any better in the long run, and if running away is what you're 'supposed' to do!?

Imagine if your instincts, things we as a race depend on whole-heartedly, and how we feel about things is simply somehow programmed into us!.

I then wonder if this is how people go insane!.!.!.!.

Does anyone have the same train of thought as me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am surprised someone actually asked a philosophy question in the philosophy section!. Great question by the way!.

Yes, your dilemma is quite common!. The most famous example of this is Descartes' "Meditations!." Through philosophical analysis he came to the conclusion, and the famous line, "I think, therefore, I am!." He came to this realization after he decided that all of your senses can be distorted and may not be seeing the "real" world!. Just press lightly on the side of your eye and see the world distort!. How do we know that that is not how the world is supposed to be!. also, how do we know what "red" is, everyone sees slightly different versions, so is there a real "red"!?
In the same way, it is not possible to deduce by logic alone that someone else exists!. For those people who have said, "yeah, people exist, who else would be answering this question" Descartes would respond by saying that it can all just be a creation of your mind, or as he puts it, an evil being!. Though you said, you did not want mention of a God, this is how Descartes made some examples!. He used it as an evil being which could also distort logical things like mathematics, where to us 2+2=4 but in "real" reality outside of human existence the truth is that 2+2=53!.
So from this he states that the only thing you can be sure of is your own consciousness, and thus "I think, therefore, I am!."
The answer that most of my professors give is that it is not an easy philosophy to live out if you go around doubting the existence of the world, others, and even yourself!. Thus, their answer is just to go about believing that these things really do exist!. Though I find this a useful solution, it does not please the intellectual curiosity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but the only thing that could not be an illusion is that you - yourself - exist!.

Imagine that you do not exists: I'm sure you failed, as 'imagining' implies 'existing'!.

Now, imagine that you have no body, no senses whatever, no spatial location whatever, no extension, nothing you have sensed before exist's either!. What is left, just yourself, whatever that may be, at least that is what you are, and hence, 'you' being whatever is that you cannot know that you are, at least exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about you, mate, but I only have 5 senses!.

I think you've been watching the matrix too much!.

If you ever experience anything more 'real' than the life you're living!. Let me know!. Otherwise I'm pretty happy calling 'this' 'real'!. And whether it is 'real' or just the matrix, we are still experiencing all of it!. When you go to sleep, and you dream, your dreams are still real!. You still experienced them!. You still felt them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are on the right track!

I encourage you to pursue this line of thought!. Remember, you can find the answer on your own!.

You know that there is a you, because you are reading this and understanding it!. But what is throwing you off is that you can't actually FIND you when you look!. So your assumption is that you aren't actually real, and that is very confusing!.

If you meditate, and trace the feeling of "I" back to it's origin by continually re-referencing yourself (i!.e!. who is it that is thinking!? who is it that is hearing!? who am i!? etc!.) you will discover that you exist, even though you are not touching this material world!.

And a new world will open up to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

what we experience is real even if it is just programmed into us because what each of us experience is unique
there would be no real exsistence without the six senses and the fact that we experience them means that they do exsist even if they are just the creation of some higher power
everything exsists because at one time it was and we are the result of some past event that lead to what we all live in todayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Despair is what you're about!. As to why you want to misuse the word wonder is only symptomatic of that despair - not actually being capable of wonder is a very grave matter!. My train of thought designates your thought, your very existence, to the oblivion it belongs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everyone thinks like this at least once in their life!. The view that your mind is the only thing that exists is called solipsism, look it up, you're not alone!. also read Plato's "Allegory of a Cave!." It'll give you something else to think about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive thought about it several times, and theres a really no way to say whether or not your musings are true!.

But what I've decided is that reality is completely subjective, so i just live in the way that i percieve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you exist!. because if you didnt other people could not respond to your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what to say, but I'd rather say everything is real (so it seems)!. The other day I went into the fish and chip's for a meal and, as I came out of the shop, I could not see the glass panel in front of me and broke my nose!. I usually live my life as if in a dream and, to be honest with you, I always thought the world out there was nothing but a mere figment of my imagination (so to speak)!. The problem is though now I have a broken nose!. If you want me to tell you truth, as I tried to go through the glass panel and bumped into it (I really thought that was the exit) the pain was so overcoming I could not even cry!. Oh yes! Now I do think the world is real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ha ha, who's there asking question!?
if anyone response to me, then this guy exists!.
and I'm answering a question, whoever asked exists!.

Life is not real in films, but a hard fact in our real life!. You can slap in the face and feel hurt, you exist!. The harder you slap, the longer feeling of existence continuous!.

This is about the basic understanding of the existence of self, then the other people are real, they are not angels around who pretending and acting for your sole existence!. When I was young, I think other people are angels!. They act for me!. So, when I sleep, they are free to do other things!. But when I open my eyes, they have to act according to the role they got!. Now, I know this is fake!. We are all human beings!.

Insane people are of two types!. One is biological, there's not much I can say!. I am not a doctor!. There other type is of psychological, or psychosis!. These people think or act too extreme so they became unacceptable by other people as normal!. Some of them even cannot distinguish the real world they live in and their thoughts in their mind!.

lots to say!.!.!. i hope you know things are real, your parents, your friends, your classmates, your Internet others!.!.!.

Good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com