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Position:Home>Philosophy> If time is eternal, and an infinite amount of time is passing, don't you thi

Question: If time is eternal, and an infinite amount of time is passing, don't you think life could have started!?
I was just thinking!. millions, upon trillions of years passing by!. an infinite number that we cannot comprehend!. what if the conditions were perfect for life, and it happened!. If time is going on eventually something like this could happen!. Maybe not in years, or hundreds of years!. But think of how large this universe is!. I think somewhere something could have happened to have started life!. Anyone have any input!? I'm just not sure what to think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The complete universe is a manifestation of varieties of entities, beginning from the atoms up to the gigantic universe itself, and all is under the control of the eternal time!. Your thinking may be correct!. If this universe has all proper elements to accommodate life, why not life is also eternal!? If time is eternal, this universe is eternal and consequently life is also eternal!. We just can see and analyze a mustard seed of the vast ocean of this universe and from there we make some conclusions!. Is like the example of the Dr Frog!. The story is that a frog in a three-foot well wanted to calculate the length and breadth of the Atlantic Ocean on the basis of his knowledge of his own well!. But it was an impossible task for Dr!. Frog!. He had never gone out of his dark well, so he thought, “Here is everything!.”
Experimental knowledge is always imperfect, because one experiments with imperfect senses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eternity is instantaneous, to the poet and those who are in love and to those who are awake to the moment, and of course to the physicist!.
Spontaneous generation from the proto-ocean is not only possible and factual, it is inevitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can't think of it in linear terms because what is perceived as time by one could be something completely different to another and so on and so forth with all sentient beings

or maybe i'll just pass this spliff off and step away from the keyboardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Time started when life started
It is hard to comprehend this - but if you see that time is a product of conscious measurement - then you may understand a bit better

For me - I help my theoretical constructions by assuming that life can neither be created nor destroyedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, time isn't infinite!. It started 13!.7 billion years ago!. But that doesn't invalidate your point!. Sure, life could have started by natural processes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In an infinte space containing an infinite number of universes from beginingless to endless time, life is not only inevitable, as some thinkers speculate, but is the rule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm!.!.!. obviously conditions existed for life to start, look around you!. Perhaps you are talking about something more specific!?Www@QuestionHome@Com