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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever been . madly in love . with the wrong person?

Question: Have you ever been !. madly in love !. with the wrong person!?
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They were the right women, all right!.!.!.

It's just that we all started sliding into different directions, and after a few years!.!.!.

Two right people are suddenly wrong for each other!.!.!.


Perhaps, I should call it infatuation and/or obsession!.

Here is my poem to explain further!.


I hardly know him
He gave me a small piece of understanding,
a corner, a thread, a tear, a rip of his life
Already I am in the midst of a movie love scene,
a great love affair
Already we are making love
he’s devouring me, crushing me like I knew he would
when my mind went crazy, twirling into my inner space, inner life
and our love developed faster than the speed of lightning
faster than a speeding bullet
faster than Superman’s heroic flying
will kryptonite spoil this superhero love
will the villains break up this hyper romantic love
this crashing down to earth love
crisscrossing with fate, fatal injury, fatal destiny

He threw me a few tidbits, a few choice morsels of his life
and like a dog never satisfied, always hungry,
always looking for more, I lapped it up
it was the food of life, food of love for me

You will teach me
You will save me from myself
Mission Impossible - do you accept this mission!?
And why do I want to give you this power over myself
Why do I relinquish power to you
so I don’t have to care anymore
just sink like a stone to the bottom of the river and lie there content
content to be drowned and doomed
unthinking stone

In David Copperfield, Annie Strong says,
“for my love was founded on a rock, and it endures”
so it does, in my imagination only, never what you gave to me, said to me
It’s my fantasy world like Disney World
I’ll pay the price of admission, only please let me in
for G-d’s sake let me in
in the name of the Holy of Holies and prophets, let me in

I’m afraid of all possibilities
Fear of winning magic carpet ride of love
Fear of losing down by the river love
I’m drowning in my own intensity
Thinking so intensely about you
Until my thoughts are standing out like beads of sweatWww@QuestionHome@Com

When I fall in love, it definitely is with the right person!!!
I always believe that this is the One!
Would I fall if I believed it was the wrong person!? I don't think so!.
At least, it has never happened up to now!!!

It proves to be the wrong person, when either his mask falls off ( the hard way!.!.)or I start losing interest ( the easy way!.!.) !! :)))Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as it as another person that you fall in love with, it is always the wrong person!. The one Beloved resides inside!. Only there is perfect harmony found!. All 'love stories', without exception, fall short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

am not sure!.!. Ive been madly in love with her but am not sure if she is the wrong person, nor am i sure if she is the right person!.!.
Man is never satisfied i guess!.!. always thinking that the other person has somethin better than what he has!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have rarely willingly fallen in love with a right person!.

It !. Is !. So !.

I find a bizarre logic in my senseless and ill considered remark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More than once!. You'll never if someone is right or wrong until you give it a try!. Always a roll of the dice!. Pray that Lady Luck will favor you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, I am madly in love ? with the wrong person right now!.

She don't love me and she is getting marry to her bf soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is madly in love ranked with unconditonal love!? So I may say yes, But it was now only history for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes just recently it ended quite badly!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I have!. And I think everybody kind of have this experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it was unrequited love !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Too many times, haha!.
And it really sucks that I can't help it!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes I have!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope notWww@QuestionHome@Com

yea, she was too youngWww@QuestionHome@Com