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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that Prostitution is immoral?

Question: Do you think that Prostitution is immoral!?
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We may know how prostitution can help, Specially for men too!. There were lesser stress and rape cases!. To those who execute it, there were means for survival!.
However, The bad effects of prostitutions weigh heavier than the better things it may give!. Beside of immorality!. Sickness and other various forms of problem keeps on arising from it!. Wherein the society was being theatened for its terrible outcomes!. It is not really a good example specially to our offsprings!. It will lead one's body and mind at a loss too!.
Prostitution does not promote good conduct and good health nor proper values for the well being of a person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no nice way to describe prostitution - selling one's body!. How can it be moral!? We have relations with the person we love and are supposedly committed to for life, how can a mindless act which turns into nothing more than a financial transaction come to anything good!?

Of course, I know there are times when people in very poor countries sell their children into prostitution and that is their only means of survival!. Girls from those families have no choice, it is the only life they have ever known!. However, it is still immoral, the people who have inflicted this on them are to blame, and the parents who accepted for money!.

It is best never to get mixed up in this business in the first place, the girls who do make the mistake of getting into prostitution have this dead look in their eyes like they have lost their soul completely - it was sold in every transaction where their body was involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the book!. In some respects it can't be considered to be 'moral' as opposed to 'immoral' but perhaps better that than having women raped more than they are now because there is no 'outlet' for certain individuals!.

Although it's not a job I'd do, whatever my circumstances, neither do I feel I can judge other women for taking it up!. Perhaps they have a seriously ill child for whom they need money for ongoing medical costs!. Who knows!? I don't think we should 'throw stones' unless we ourselves are perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prostitution is immoral because it demeans people!. Humanity derives its dignity by having an appreciation of the human body which men and women can share in love and really caring for each other within a proper family!. Prostitution short cuts all that and reduces human relationship to simply satisfying a neurotic impulse - for cash even worse!. It is sad that it is for some people their only means of support!. On the other hand one has to be careful at being judgemental of the people who get caught up in it for all sorts of reasons!. All people aught to be loved even if we hate what they do!.


Prostitution is clearly illegal but, of course, that is not your question!.

The answer ot immoral is yes and no!.

Yes: when two consenting adults, with no coercion, agree to to have sex for money, then I don't see the problem!.

No: if any party is coerced in anyway!. Pimps, sale of women - or worse yet, girls - to brothels or pimps!. Force someone in anyway is clearly immoral!. And, in my opinion, is equivalent to rape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be in some cases but in general it amounts to charging individuals for a service you provide!.
In essence it it is not immoral in my opinion!.
To me its like asking
"Is paying people to dig a ditch immoral!?"
I guess we would need to determine exactly what you mean by "prostitution"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes - from every possible perspective!.

I would like to see prostitutes jailed - I do not believe it is a victimless crime!. It also spreads disease; I am not talking about the high-class licenced brothels but the street, drug addicted prostitiutes who work without condoms when asked for the extra money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. and I do not see it as selling one's body!. selling a body implies someone buying a body and keeping it!. buying some intimate time with a person is more accurate!.

if I sell my long hair is it immoral!? is a professional pantomime's art immoral!?

if someone needed a kidney and paid me for it, is it immoral of me to sell it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of things are immoral in the world, but sometimes there are no ways of avoiding it!. For some this is prostitution!. So yes, i believe prostitution is immoral! is there much we can do about it!? No because unfortunatley it is a means of living for some people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see sex as a symbol of love so for me to become a prostitute would be immoral, but to those who see sex as past time or just as an event then no!. If they want to sell there bodies to people money and equal views (presumably) then I am fine with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not!.
It's their body!.
THEY decide to do what they want with what they OWN!.
People do not have THE RIGHT to say it's wrong!.
It's what bodies are for!.
What do you think sex organs are for!?
that's what!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If Roe vs!. Wade has determined that a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body (i!.e!. have an abortion), then why can't she decide to "sell" it!? It makes no sense that one is legal and the other is considered "immoral!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. People are force into prostitution!.
It is immoral to force people to do things against their will!.
It is violation of their human rights!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the injustice and economic inequality that causes it is immoral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but sometimes people don't have any other way to raise the massive amount of cash to live in todays society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish no woman or man felt that they needed to sell their bodies!. But not immoral unless it is Child Prostitution that I find totally immoralWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some people does prostitution cause they need the money,not because they want to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some people have no other choice

some men are desperate for sex due to some family problems

some women need moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

prostitution is a public service for some people!. lucky for me im not one of themWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.its a profession, like other jobs!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com