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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Kind Of Picture Are You...Stripped Naked Of All Your Illusions And Fantasie

Question: What Kind Of Picture Are You!.!.!.Stripped Naked Of All Your Illusions And Fantasies!?
Should we strive to be one and the same!.!.!.
Or is it best to maintain some disparity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.I am "down to earth" but also metaphoric in nature!.!.!.fantasy is a privilege while illusions are nothing but lies!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I make a huge difference between illusions and fantasies!. while illusions always imply a failure, fantasies are the ones helping us to move forward within a range of possibilities!. fantasies imply the optimism of exploration and novelty!.!.!.

an image of me stripped of my illusions would be an image of the baby I was when I was born!.!.!. everything back then was a possibility, a type of fantasy!.

an image of me stripped naked of my fantasies!.!.!. would be me before the moment I'll die!. because that's when there will be no space left for future explorations!.!.!. everything I would aspire for or what I will call a future in that particular moment before the end, would constitute an illusion!.!.!.

I can't give you an image of me without them both!. because that would mean denying both my existence and my death!.!.!. denying!.!.!. ME!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please see me bare!.
I am a simple guy with some plus points and some minus points!. I am not proud of my plus points!. I am not ashamed of my minus points!. I try my best to weaken my weak points!. I also try to strengthen my strong points and also to add to their number!. I seek the company of the good-natured, and avoid the company of the evil-natured!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i strongly believe that being an individual is necessary in this life!. and while it's encouraged to come together to work out problems and make peace, we don't have to be the same to do that!. uniqueness is a wonderful thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please stay as you are!. One person stripped naked is enough, and not much fun!. Ask Me!.

totally naked, emotional & vulnerable!

we are one and the same!.!. no matter ware we looked!.!. but its ourself dats telling us we are different!.!. strip naked of our fantasies and illusion!?!? wat do u get!?!? a mere being!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ah but rnt we all the same if wer all different!?Www@QuestionHome@Com