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Position:Home>Philosophy> Atheists / theists How did the universe start?

Question: Atheists / theists How did the universe start!?
why are people so obsessed with this idea!?

I mean seriously !.!.no matter how advanced science gets you can never prove what happened millions of years b4!.

You can never demonstrate how everything started; not even with a time machine!.

I remember my physics professor told me that time is a constant by which everything else is quantified!.

e!.g!. the metre is based on light travelling in a given time!.
speed is quantified by time as well!.

So what I mean is!.!.!.!. at the end of the day whether or not you believe in random creation (big bang)!.!.!.or directional creation (big bang started by God) there is no way to quantify such a belief!.

Note: I am not talking about evolution, evolution is plausible, I believe it!.!. GIVEN that the earth is ALREADY in existence!.!.!.and I think in terms of how things started, that is as far as we can get!.

But to say that there was a big bang, and parallel universes held together by "strings" (not literal strings)!.!.is reaching!.!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think about it sometimes and there's just no way to prove it in this present time!. and its true with the time machine you can't go back to before the universe was created because you will be no where!. people believe there is parrallel universes and some believe that god created everything because people need to believe in something!. its been that way and will always be that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No matter how advanced science gets!? You're a very small thinker!. Never say never because you have no idea what might be possible!. Personally, I think time travel is possible!. also, what if someday science made us like Gods!? I know, most of the time it seems like scientist have blinders on, that is if they're not biased, but I appreciate what they do for us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm with you!.

If the earth is round or pear shaped or egg shaped, it won't change the way I have been living my life!.

Even if they find out that time or speed of light is not a constant, I don't think it would change my bill paying cycles (pay check comes in - bills get paid - work out how to live for the next 6 days till next pay check)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, all laws and theories point to the Big Bang except the first and second laws of thermodynamics!. If they can be resolved then there you have it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God Farted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are intrigued because this is a very important question!. Where did we come from, where are we going, what are we supposed to do, and who are we - are the four fundamental questions humans need answer to determine life's purpose and meaning!. How did the Univerese begin answers the question of where we came from!.

You grossly understimate the power, potential, and precisness of science!. Science has been able to prove that species went extinct (x) millions of years ago (dinosaurs extinct 65 million years ago) and science has be able to prove came into existence billions of years ago (earth 4!.5 billion years old!.)

How are the big bang and string theories reaching!? The big bang theory explains observerd phenomena i!.e!. redshift and it made predictions which came true i!.e!. cosmic backround radiation!. If string theory is proved false one-day it will serve to broaden our understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It did not "start!." This is the fallacy by which "nothingness" or "non-existence" becomes a "thing" that existed before "things" existed!.

But if nothingness or non-existence existed, then existence was not created because this thing you reify existed!.

Only existents can exists!. "Nothingness" is not an existent!. It cannot be!. It is non-existent, not an existent, and therefore nothingness never existed!.

The idea that nothingness once existed is plainly contradictory, yet it is used as the "default position," from which a theory of how nothing came to be "something" is supposed to spring forth!.

Even supposing God exists, and once was the only existent, that would mean that existence existed and would necessarily mean that God did not create existence!. It could still be argued that if God does indeed exist, and once was the only existent, that he could create all the other existents such a universe and the planets, etc!.

But it would still require that existence existed in the form of God!. Thus, nothingness never existed whether God exists or does not exist!. "Nothingness" cannot be an existent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com