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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Does Evolution Have to Do With Knowledge?

Question: What Does Evolution Have to Do With Knowledge!?
What I mean is: Is Evolution subject to Knowledge or the other way around!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Evolution which has brought us up to this standpoint has worked by a cosmic law of averages; it has been a process in which the individual himself has not taken a conscious part!.
But because he is what he is, and leads the van of the evolutionary procession, if man is to evolve further, it can now only be by his own conscious cooperation with the law which has brought him up to the standpoint where he is able to realize that such a law exists!.

Man's evolution in the future must be by conscious participation in the great work, and this can only be effected by his own individual intelligence and effort!. It's a process of
intelligent growth!. No one else can grow for us; we must each grow for ourselves; and this intelligent growth consists in our increasing recognition of the universal law, which has brought us as far as we have got!. It's a great maxim that Nature obeys us precisely in proportion as we first obey Nature!.

Intelligence manifests itself by responsiveness, and the whole action of the cosmic mind in bringing the evolutionary process from its first beginnings up to its present human stage is nothing else but a continual intelligent response to the demand which each stage in the progress has made for an adjustment itself and its environment!.

The bottom line in answer to your question is that now yes, Evolution is subject to Knowledge, which has taken the front stage!. The mind is in control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could say both!. Evolution is certainly a body of knowledge!. Because it is a theory, evidence has been collected, analysed, interpreted and used to bolster it since Darwin first published "The Origin of Species" in 1859!. During the past 104 years, Darwin's original theory has been refined, expanded, and applied to many other disciplines!. So Evolution is indeed subject to Knowledge!. The more we discover about Nature, the more the theory is validated, the more we know!.

Knowledge also evolves!. If you look at the history of ideas it is apparent that Paradigms change and evolve!. Ideas die because they no longer fit, or are no longer applicable, or no longer describe the state of affairs!. Other ideas prosper!. Ptolemy's idea evolved into Copernicus'!. Newton's theory of gravity evolved into Einstein's!. "Genesis" evolved into Darwin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last evolution Man went through was psychological, not physical!. It was the birth of philosophy, and it was when Man first lived up to his name "Homo sapiens sapiens!."

The double word means "knowledge of knowlede," (sapience of sapience), but we really didn't have it until we discovered philosophy!.

Aside from that, evolution perhaps moved along the lines of that sub-species which had the best storage of knowledge was the one that evolved!. But I do not know that for certain!. Aside from that, I wouldn't think the two have anything to do with each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution has everything to do with knowledge, as we are the only species evolved that can 'reason'!. If you look at other species it's not like they don't show some levels of intelligence, ie Bees - we just have to look at a hive, Lions - of course hunting requires specific set of traits and skills!.

But humans are the only species that have evolved with a 'Brain'
complex enough to reason, analyze and think logically!. Using these abilities mankind have conned the term 'knowledge' - knowledge itself can be attributed to our thirst for knowledge, only made possible by evolution!.

Chimpanzees can't build planes can they BUT humans have evolved to a level we can build sky scrapers!.

If we are trying to find out where we came from, what processes are involved etc, in other words trying to understand evolution, break natures codes in a way - then yes that is dependent on knowledge!. In that case evolution is subject to knowledge!.

However the understanding of knowledge is only possible b/c we have evolved to reason!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution is an idea, a though process to explain, or tries to explain where you came from!. And does not require knowledge!. But having such knowledge can make the understanding of evolution easier!. Still hundreds of people about, who do not believe in evolution, irrespective of the proof, available!. You were created not evolved! Do you need knowledge to decide between the two!?!? You can use the Bible to prove the contrary!.

Evolution is a natural process which could be hindered if knowledge makes one look for unnatural advantages!. As we gain knowledge, we begin to interfere with the natural processes with the myopic objective of immediate comfort or benefit, thereby losing the longer term capability to evolve in order to survive changes in environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

evolution means the physical and mental sides, however knowledge may or may not be subject to evolution; in an experiment, just To obtain out-of-reach food, a crow repeatedly took a piece of straight wire and bent it to create a hook!. According to the researchers, the crow gained (Knowledge) due to necessity not evolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you could make a pretty strong case for the fact that knowledge does have an effect on evolution!. At 6'5" tall I used to be considered a very tall guy, but I see many more taller men who are younger than I am!. We have better nutrition, we envy basketball players, and we don't like having sand kicked in our face at the beach - voila, people are getting taller!.

If they could see all the difficulty I have climbing in and out of my BMW sports coupe maybe there would be less of a rush to be taller!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Our brains are evolving faster than ever before!. The act of learning new knowledge actually changes our brains physically by creating new neural pathways!. The evolution of the Human race went on the fast track after learning a spoken language!. And it has not slowed down yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I still don't understand, even with your clarification!.

Evolution is a fact like gravity!. Is gravity subject to knowledge!? What does that mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com