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Position:Home>Philosophy> How Do You Figure the Concepts of Opposites?

Question: How Do You Figure the Concepts of Opposites!?
We all know that life is made out of pairs, abstract or concrete!.
But how can we define that concept of things that must be with us by necesssity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The opposite conception is that of things expressing themselves through conditions of time and space and thus establish a variety of relations to other things, as of bulk, distance, and direction, or of sequence in time!. These two conceptions are respectively the conception of the abstract and the concrete, of the unconditioned and the conditioned, of
the absolute and the relative!. They are not opposed to each other in the sense of incompatibility, but are each the complement of the other, and the only reality is in the combination of the two!.

The error of the extreme idealist is in endeavouring to realize
the absolute without the relative, and the error of the extreme
materialist is in endeavouring to realize the relative without the absolute!. On the one side the mistake is in trying to realize an inside without an outside and on the other in trying
to realize an outside without an inside; both are necessary to the formation of a substantial entity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The yin and yang!. The good in the bad and the bad in the good!. But pairs! Most people see pairs!. Is the male opposite from the female, or are they 2 poles of one!. The opposite of day is night! Right!? Wrong!. Light banishes darkness but no darkness can hide, even the light of a tiny candle!. The one is the continuation of the other!. The things that you need, as necessity, are all singular!. Air, water, food, protection of!.!.!.!.!. , Hate is not contra to love, fear is!. And all negative emotions are the children and grand children of fear!.

Some things have no opposites except by logic!.

For example, the opposite of "dog" is!?!?!? It isn't "cat!." It can only be "not-dog!."

But some things do have opposites, when they have a definition that allows for one!. "Life" and "death" for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com