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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does Visual Representation Limit Our Imagination...Or Can Visuals Be An Inciteme

Question: Does Visual Representation Limit Our Imagination!.!.!.Or Can Visuals Be An Incitement To Our Own Fantasies!?
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Fantasy has a way of its own!.!.!.!. It can be incited by visual representation or not!. I believe it is all a matter of state of mind, an inner need, the mood of the moment!.
We are lucky we can't control the way our Fantasy comes and goes!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To view the creative force of someone elses representation of imagination in no way limits your own!. It can be a catalyst!.!.!.giving a sample of a color, a movement, an expression that your own imagination left blank, or limited!. It can supply a comparison, to hold your own imagined face/place up to!. For some, whose imagination is limited by a concrete, black and white view of the world, it can inspire dream and wonder; this is why some like art so much, because they aren't capable of even the smallest creative effort, refuse to give way to the creative force, for whatever reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it limits out imagination!.!.!. Its like when you go see a movie that was previously a book and when you get in the theater you say, "That's not how I pictured the main character," Or, "That house is so not supposed to be blue!." :P
Movies show you everything!. There is no imagining what something may look like (The visual aspect)
And in books there's an explanation of what you're witnessing by you still get to paint your own picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Visual representations can contribute various images into the mind!. It may enhance fantasies and imaginations depending on how it was perceived by the senses of an individual!.
Visual representations can be also realistic or works of the creative mind itself which was expressed through images or different kinds of visual aids!.
It is also a part of an expression of creative arts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're referring to that phenomenon some people talk about when talking about books that have been turned into movies (i!.e!., "I liked it better as a book because I could envision things in my own way!.!.!." then yes, it can sometimes seem limiting!.

But generally speaking, whether or not something limits one's imagination is up to that one!. If your imagination is weak enough that it's stymied because you saw something through your eyes instead of relying on it, then you need to develop a little more free imagination!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The statement was wrong!. If this is the limit, how about our other senses like smell, touch, taste and listen!.!.!.

The statement was right!. Visual representation does not limit our imagination but give more stuff to our mind to do the fantasies or memories later!.

In fact, all these five sense go to our brain where sense info will be reorganize to form an image or situation that we interpret and understand !.!.!. that's why we never meet ghost, but still, we can have their image by listening to some noise or voice!.!.!. etc!.

Good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of us are programed to fall for other people's vision of things!. And visually that opinion is burned in our brain!.

There are people who just see their own way of imagination and actually refuse to be swayed by anyone!. It is close to being rebellion!.

I work hard at not being swayed by others!.

I often wonder if we all are captives of our nature & nuture!.
Captives of our genetic heritage!. Some call it cell memory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if ur saying TV ruins my imagination!.!.!. i don't think that's true!. bcoz since i'd been watchin TV so much, i can simply watch my own tv show using my imagination!.

if i see a man being killed and hear background music, i can replay that in my head & when i try 2 produce something , i hav more perception of the sceneWww@QuestionHome@Com

We all have more senses than just one!. And I should add that there is no limitations!. However, you have a good point!. Music before video seemed to have much more individual meaning to a vast spectrum of people!. Or perhaps another example would be listening to a story read to you verses and move does have it's down fall one of which I like to use the term tunnel vision!. So yes, your right, Visual Rep does narrow our sight!. But, again with more argument against, interpretation is key!. That only comes with insight, wisdom and a give to express!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. nothing can limit ur imagination it is one of the most powerful thing u possess it is so powerful that u can mentally imagine other images while u are looking at a present image!.and yes it is also an incitement to any fantasy u want!. just close ur eyes and concentrate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel visuals add to the excitement of fantasies! otherwise why would millions of men, and women buy erotic reading material!? for the jokes and bi-lines!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.lol!
although visuals are there for the asking, nothing beats the imagination!

Incitement, since we could see what is available and imagine what is not if we chose to do so -- i!.e!. the limit is set by our own desire to imagine not what has been rendered and understood via the senses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes both !.!. imagination should be free and wild!.!. but they are only limited due to how wide our conciousness is!.!. theres no room for true fantasies!.!. considering we Are only human I would say the more oyu experience the more vivid or wild your imagination will beWww@QuestionHome@Com

Visual representation could limit our imagination!. Is there no smile that could be represented better than the Mona Lisa!? Eh!? Eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In psychological tests it has been found Low IQ fails to see beyond the Visuals and high IQ ,quite often than not,even the visual!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Visual Representation is just a product of our creativity!.
We are all limited by our own creativity to imagine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it limits our own personal originality but allows us to build off of and improve the ideas of others
its almost like cheating because u didn't have to live through the experiences that brought on that idea u were just fed themWww@QuestionHome@Com

no - the infinity of visuals and imagination are restricted only by your own limitations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.i'll take incitement to own fantasies!.!.!.hmmmm, sounds exciting!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Live in America,outside of a room and i am not sure,that it will still be just fine!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it dont matter!. reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's both men!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com