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Position:Home>Philosophy> My boyfriend just told me Eva Mendez is fine?

Question: My boyfriend just told me Eva Mendez is fine!?
I am afraid if he got rich somehow he would leave me for her!.!.just I dump him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look within if you think any celebrity is attractive it would be a double standard to dump him!. If it offended you its because maybe you dont think you look quite as good as her and if that is the case more than likely he knows that you feel that way!. If not then your uneasy-ness with him finding other women attractive is a trust issue!. Either way id look within before I made any moves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you really think that because your boyfriend is with you, he will lose all his ability to be attracted to all other women!? NO! Your boyfriend is human, therefore he has the capability to be attracted to the opposite sex!. It's hormonal and natural!. If he loves you then you don't have to worry about him ACTING on women he may be attracted to!. It's really the action or inaction he chooses that makes a difference on whether or not he loves you!. Instead of resenting him for being attracted to women, you'd better embrace it because sexual attraction is vital in a relationship!.
Plus, Eva Mendez!? Are you really worried!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you honestly feel that your boyfriend would leave you that easily over someone else just because of their looks (or even looks & wealth), you really should consider dumping the guy!. But if you love him, I'd make really sure that those feelings are founded in fact and not simple paranoia!. That means having a serious conversation with him, explaining your fear (in a polite, non-accusatory way) and getting his reaction!.

Ultimately, if you truly believe that your s!.o!. has that little respect for you, then you should respect yourself enough to get out of the relationship, because even if you end up being wrong, there is a lack of trust and no relationship can grow in a healthy way when one person doesn't trust the other!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off!.!.!. how will he even meet eva mendez, and then how would he manage to make her fall in love with him!.!.!. then how will he get rich!? I think you are being over dramatic!. he's allowed to say a celebrity is hot!. i bet you think celebrities are hot too!. dont freak out!. its normalWww@QuestionHome@Com

Relax, all stars are imaginary!. We make them our heroes and heroines!. In reality, some of them are worse, or worse off than we are!. By the way Eva Mendez recently admitted to having a drug problem and went to rehab!. Seeing someone strung out is not "fine!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, don't dump him!. Every guy has a celebrity crush!. It's normal!. Chances are he probably won't have the chance to be with her!. It's just a fantasy!. Don't worry about it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Avoid taking a firm action based on "if!."
"If" worries you, will leave you confused, and rarely becomes a fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

homie its just a celeb crush if ur really jumping 2 conclusions like that then ur really insecure and this relationship will never work!. i'm sorry but its the plain truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The odds of him getting magically rich is 1 in a million!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't let your insecurities drive you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm!.!.i don't think that's gonna happen, you're safe!

Tell him someone else he loathes is finer!. hehe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what a total waste of timeWww@QuestionHome@Com