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Position:Home>Philosophy> I need some clarification on the metaphysics of Schopenhauer... anyone?

Question: I need some clarification on the metaphysics of Schopenhauer!.!.!. anyone!?
When a reference is made to the 'metaphysics' of Schopenhauer, is it to imply his assertion of the Will and its hopeless confines as the end limitation/boundary to which man, as phenomena, may not surmount/surpass!?

Please, clarify if you have a thorough understanding of Schopenhauer!.

Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Schopenhauer was influenced by Kant's Transcendental Theory and the Theory of Pure Reason!. He emphasizes on the Pure Categories of Humans Mind but underestimated the part of the theory concerning the empirical synthetic judgments!. He holds, Schopenhauer instead that this should be replaced, the other part, necessary for the synthesis, by a psychological, more or less approach and this is the part of the Humans Will!. In other words, Schopenhauer's Theory is about Plato's Ideas on the other hand!. He believes in the abstract side of life and its notions which are fulfilled by its person's will!. So, in this case we are not talking about the outer world in general but the inner side of Human and the ranging of its ones will to complete, the Supreme Ideas, as Karl Popper would say, or the Post Modern Philosophers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never heard of that sorry ;0Www@QuestionHome@Com