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Question: What is it like to live on your own!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some succeed, others have failed!. Be well-equipped though, before you strike out on your own!. Dont think that 'total freedom' is the best thing in the world, and is easily attainable!. It is often an illusion, as in reality one often gets only 50% -75% because of the laws and norms of society!.

Why do i say that!? Because it really takes a fair amount of time, exposure and guidance for a person to acquire all the essential skills and knowledge to really become a good survivor, esp in a First world society!. Being capable of the basic things in day-to-day life like making a simple meal, washing and ironing, keeping a house tidy and organized, etc really takes a certain willingness and lots of effort to do most of these chores all by oneself!. Infact, sharing the duties and chores, rent and other household expenses with a trusted partner would be much more pleasant and therefore less stressful process!. The other advantage one can gain is the skill and experience gained in inter-personal relationship, which is challenging and worthwhile to master!. Most persons with a lack of proper parental upbringing may not be ready for the real world until 18-21 yrs old!. Sure there will be further mistakes made, and regrets to nurse!. For enhanced safety and peace of mind, a female should consider learning some form of martial art for fitness and self-defence purposes, which will serve her well for life!.

But if your present situation is somewhat unbearable or suffocating in some ways, you may wish to try living on your own and gain some experience!. Remember though, to keep in touch with your family, other relatives and old friends, because such ties are precious, and of course a 'blessing in disguise'!. Read up and acquire some survival skills as reflected above, and you will be all right!. Best of luck on a new adventure! :-))Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was scary at first, but liberating!. When I first married I went from living at home to marriage!. I left my husband and stayed single!. I made some mistakes, but finally found happiness with a man who enjoys my independence unlike my first husband who was abusive!. I don't know your age, but I hope I didn't scare you!. Just be careful and if you still are young enough to live at home just make sure you have a good education in something you love doing!. Being at home with your parents is not a bad thing if you are studying or working to save money!. I hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com


There are upsides and downsides to everything, but the upsides far outweigh the downsides!.

Some people can't cope with living alone, they need people around them all of the time!. I'm lucky I'm one of the people who values my time alone and like nothing better than a couple of quiet hours to engross myself in a book!. Or catch up on email!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't have it any other way!. The only down side is that there's no 'honey dew' list - if you don't do it, it doesn't get done!. That gets a little much sometimes, but still doable!. I've been on my own for ten years now and don't think it possible to ever again share my abode with anyone/anything possessing language skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is wonderful!. You can do what you want and really allow yourself to be you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so much better than with anyone else :P
just my opinion though!.

I wouldn't go back to living with anyone again!.

so there you go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Liberating but full with responsiblilities!Www@QuestionHome@Com

One word: freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com