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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in inner goodness ?

Question: Do you believe in inner goodness !?
or is it just a fallacy and we must follow external laws to be good people !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't really know anything about Pokemon, but I also consider myself rather sensitive so Inner goodness!?

Certainly we are not talking about hearts or livers or even those qualities that makes someone run, jump or throw or even live!.!.!.more than someone else can!. So then what is "inner"!? Is it soul or some thing that is formed of brain activity that some call mind!?

And what is "goodness"!? Are we talking about a Platonic quality or an Aristotelian one!? That is are we talking about a quality regardless of our reaction to it the ultimate Goodness or are we content with our reaction to a stimulus!?(It is good for me was it good for you!?) The former might border that ephemeral quality we call wisdom while the latter might change from day to day or person to person!.

If you were to set up one of those cute little decision boxes with the do-er on the left side (possible "soul" or "mind" )along your vertical axis and the form of "goodness" on the horizontal axis (possible ultimate or changable) the intersections will give you four possibilities!. Each answer here will probably fall into one of these four catagories depending upon the presumptions made!.

With the mind as the inner part under consideration it is easy to conclude that someone will take a changable point of view!. We can "change our minds" Today I am hot and you look lovely and tomorrow I might be cold and I am not so sure!.!.!. This is everyone's common experience!. Inner goodness from this perspective might be a lot like being the kind of person who can tell someone what they want to hear!. The judge here is the person hearing and they are "satisfied" in getting what they want!. They might even be motivated!. But if I suggest the perfect politician I see sour faces for even though it matches the defination some might want more from their defination of "inner goodness"!.

So another box would combine the soul with changability!. But already we have a problem!. What is the soul if not unchangeable!. You know the undying part! Unlike changing our minds, changing our souls sounds rather ghoulish!. Perhaps someone else will enter this door I will avoid!.

But alas, I am more a Platonist than an Aristotelian so lets go back to the mind and add the ultimate defination of Goodness!. I suggested that the ultimate "Goodness" might be very close to wisdom!. (Spock's good of the many outweighing the good for the few before he finally does himself in) The ultimate Goodness does imply the ultimate benifit unlike the other side!. And it does suggest a possibility of an ultimate Wisdom!. Here we think of a Hero!. Someone who by chance or design has performed a selfless act of some importance!. We might look up to them!. And it is enough for some to say that heros have inner goodness!.

But in the last possibility recognition begins to dawn!. The soul manifesting a quality of goodness might shine from within a person like sun light only slightly shadowed by the trees!. And if clouds block our view still we know it is there!. So is it with some people whom even in their darkest moments cast a small shadow!. Someone like this is not necessarily trying to please but they almost exude goodness by just being!. Impossibly rare certainly but remarkable when you meet such a person!. And there are others that meet such a standard at least at times!. Slightly inner goodness people!.

One place such a thing is explained is in the philosophy of reincarnation!. The soul sheds off an old body like a suit of clothes and takes on a new one!.1 Again and again we are reborn and we begin to understand our true nature!. We grow!. Sometimes that understanding appears on the surface and we glow with an inner knowledge, an inner beauty or an inner goodness!.

Or so it is said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Babies are born laughing and greedy!. they want everything that makes them happy and get mad at anyone who doesn't give it to them!. As we age, we grow bonds that cause us to want the best for others as well as ourselves!. The primal greed never goes away, but we grow a need for the well being of others as well!. Internal or external, i'm not sure, but people grow a goodness that they have no control over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One presumes good deeds come from good intentions!.

So sure, there is inner goodness!.

But "It's the thought that counts!." is something you say to a child!. Because children are basically powerless!.

As an adult, "Actions speak louder than words"!. As an adult you are & should be judged by what you DO, rather than what you claim to think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep, i believe deep down we are all innocent & just want to do what is "good" or "best" for us!. whether it be "get money" or "help others" these are all things we were taught!.!.!. if that makes sense!. it is my opinion that everyone is shaped only by their biological disposition & their experience!.!.!. those who make "good" choices do so because of what happened in their lives!.!.!. same goes for all who make bad choices!. we are all innocent & therefore good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe everyone has the capacity for goodness!. However peoples life situations often determine their choices!. Everyone has the choice to be good, one must make the choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

inner goodness exists in everyone i have encountered!. doesn't seem like it at times, but if you look hard enough, you will find some goodness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

define it!. Do you mean some state to be attained!? Do you mean a general goodness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you follow internal laws!. People are basically good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do believe in inner goodness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com