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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever wonder if the human race was put here for a specific reason?

Question: Do you ever wonder if the human race was put here for a specific reason!?
Do you ever wonder if human existance is part of some grand scheme of things!.!.!.like if the human race was put here for a specific reason!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yea, I think that all the time!. Our existence has to have a reason!. I don't think we'll find out what it is until after we die though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's the ultimate question!. Philosophers and scientists alike have been trying to answer this, from their own differing viewpoints!. I think our existence, and thus purpose, is a question of perception!. If we know we are able to perceive our reality/existence then the only thing we can say with any assurance is we are here because we think we are, any other answer to this is pure speculation and can never be proven!.
Anything external to this belief (ie Gods plan for us, evolutionary theory) is merely an extrapolation of this and can never be ultimately`proven!.
In our time, scientific discourse has dominance over our perception of the world (and our purpose/place in it)!. Thinking scientifically, our purpose could be said to be to procreate and maintain the continuation/evolution of the human race!.
In the middle ages, religion had this dominance over our perception, and therefore religious ideals , it can be argued, tell us our purpose is to lead a good life according to religious ideals to please one deity or another!.

As there can never be any proof of our purpose, both arguments mentioned (and others) are both equally valid and at the same time, equally false!.
When theories try to explain the purpose of the human race, they are inevitably influenced by one of these èpistemes` (historical period of dominant discourse/thought), and as stated above have equal validity compared to other theories!.

It is my opinion, as stated before, that the reason we are here, is to think about the reality we experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This depends a lot on whether or not you believe that god created humans!. If you do, then it follows that god created humans for a reason which only god knows!. If you don't believe in god, then, from whence this specific reason!? I personally do not believe in God, and I think it is very arrogant of humans to assume we have some greater purpose on this earth!. Notice how we only ask what the puropse of life is!.!.!. not the purpose of the stars or of animals or of the fly you just swatted!.!.!. arrogance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked Douglas Adams book about this where the white mice built earth as a computer to find to the meaning of 42 which the other computer had said was the meaning of life!.

I mostly liked his sense of fun with major life concepts!.
if it was I'd like the reason to be to see how much fun, love and learning we can have despite the hardships!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We were never put here for a reason, but we do now have a reason due to our emotions (being organisms)!.

These emotions teach us truth as we know it!.

This world is totally ****** and we sure have a purpose: to cherish life!.

Now, the one thing I hate about people when they speak of Love and Truth is that they have to mention God!. "god bless" or whatever!. It's got nothing to do with a mythical sky being!. Truth is not divine!. It's just here!. We're an accident and we have to live it, basically!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Duff Beer!.

Please do not include me in "we're destroying the earth"!.
It's possible you've just been watching too much propaganda, and too few beautiful sunsets!. Think positive!. Learn to appreciate what we have!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose of each is to be that which each is and nothing more!.

Why look for what does not and never has existed and make things more complicated or try to!?

Zen is living each moment in awareness of the same or not!.

Simply "be"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have wondered that many times!. While it's an interesting idea, I see no indication of any such reason for our being here!. If there is a specific reason, whatever is doing the reasoning ought to reveal itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have just asked the ultimate question that no-one can answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

evolving from lower life forms doesn't leave much room for wonder!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope!. No reason atallWww@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well obviously not!.!.!.have you ever heard of Darwin!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, to Love and be Loved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"was put here"!. Dear ! Have you ever heard of Darwin !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah sometimes!. i reckon it wouldve been better if humans never existed though!. we're destroying the earth!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com