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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the doorway to Higher Awareness wide or narrow?

Question: Is the doorway to Higher Awareness wide or narrow!?
Some people spend a lifetime in meditation and devoted service to religions and religious life, while others seem to easily realise Higher Awareness!. Do you think it could be that the door is open wide right in front of us or do you think discipline, adherence and extreme devotion to a Path is necessary!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It can be implied that the door is wide open and we are already inside, but similarly as the fish living in water are inattentive of water, we place no attention on our primordial substratum, which is awareness itself!. With full accommodation within the house of awareness most exist within dark rooms absent from light, happily set in their ways, slaves to their mental conditioning, preconceived concepts and identities manufactured by the ego!. Here they have shut and locked the door, not yet ready, or not caring to place attention on the beauty permeating the house!. Rather than placing attention with awareness they are immersed in their own infinitesimal subjective world, oblivious to and not in tune to the beauty enveloping them!.

Others, through meditation, prayer, systematic devotional practices and adherence to discipline crack the door of the dark room a little at a time, shedding some illumination into the darkness gradually!. For many they will struggle like salmon up a stream, and the door may opened more on some days than on other days!. Through the law of karma this path is a necessity, and it is a calling, but karma dictates the spiritual level, capabilities and capacity one is currently at here and now!. Much like the salmon there is an innate signal, an internal calling that is navigating us and this route generally takes some effort!. For the vast majority who intuit to investigate their true essential nature, it takes some devotion, discipline and adherence to open the dark room door, slowly emerging and absorbing with the infinite light of awareness!. Opening the door and emerging from the dark room symbolizes the process of surrendering and opening the heart to embrace awareness!.

Very few, if any realized beings have had an effortless path leading to their level of understanding or union!. Obviously some are more ripe than others, but a ripening process must take place, and some adherence to spiritual principles are in order to fully ripen one into a state of wholeness!. In some cases the practice may be extremely simple, for others a little more involved!. However, as more spiritual maturity is garnered an understanding takes seat that what you are, your Divinity, God-consciousness is always present and a sense of detachment and surrender takes place!. Once this is understood the thought of extreme devotion (assuming there was this mindset) will dissolve, but certain spiritual principles will still be adhered to for a time!. Here the necessity for striving begins to vanish as one absorbs into the natural state, which can be referred to as awareness, an awareness that is all-inclusive and non-personal!. Awareness is like the water the fish live in, but do not notice in their existence!.

In closing, I state that we are swimming in higher awareness, but there are many limiting factors present in the human condition that obscure this reality!. The element of devotion, and adherence to a focused or disciplined path has importance for spiritual development!. Once one reaches a pinnacle of development, thus a firm intuition, or understanding of the immutable containing the ephemeral, an attitude of detachment and surrender take a firm seat!. At this point life becomes more and more effortless, where a freedom from former problematic mental afflictions abounds!. Of course when one is at the highest level of realization, it is realized that there is nothing to be done because what we are seeking we are!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if someone finds higher awareness easy, it's because they had been meditating in past lives!. If they'd been on another plane, they get reestablished on another plane and continue to meditate!.To get permanently established on a higher plane I think needs many lifetimes of meditation, and then, because transversing the ego is so difficult, when you get to the front gates of another plane, a spiritual teacher or perhaps even a Perfect Master will come to help you!.

It's not a wide open path, it's more like walking a tight rope!. If you're not a skilled tight rope walker, the possibility of falling is usually inevitable!. That is why a guide will come to help you, because you can't do it yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Transcendentalism or higher conscious is indeed much strived for by they thus inspired or called!. As mankind studies arduously through junior, high school and university, accordingly is the journey from university into the world’s university of life!.

Each man has a predestined path!. A goal of attainment to reach!. A potential to fulfil!. ‘’Man cannot learn more than he knows ‘’ – Ragbir!. S!. Bir!. I scoffed when first reading this, how can this be!. But found soon after that it is quite true!.

The truth is within and about you!. Acceptance is gained by overcoming obstacles obscuring the vision!. Convincing an angry Atheist of the existence of God, a former minister no less!. He will scoff and demand that which many crave for a lifetime without attaining!. His rage and anger at slights incurred blinker his vision and harden his heart!. The truth is within him, but he refuses or is unable to confront his fears and demons!.

That is the journey to understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on your awareness of things and your nature!. Two people who are given equal opportunities to evolve may not do so at the same rate because one may be less strong and determined to follow the truth and do good and give in to evil along the path!. Every struggle and problem in life can be viewed as a means to achieving a higher state of knowledge!. This is the right way to view difficulties and problems!. The truth is quite and obvious thing!. It is what IS and I would say its very broad but because many humans learn to get caught up in hatred and emotional cycles they are pulled away from reality!. By definition of what you have said higher awareness is simply being able to see more of what is already there!. Psychology has helped explain this in a more accessible way!.
The yogis and gurus knew to not show anger and behave well in front of people because people behave towards us in the way we behave to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is easy for some, is more difficult for others!. One can achieve a higher understanding in the spiritual sense but be a complete boob in other facets of life, while another struggles to grasp their higher awareness for years, yet is saintly in their daily life!.

It's so individual that it can't be pigeon-holed this simply!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!. my dear!.!.!.
I'm sure, the "door" is!.!.!.!. WIDE OPENED !!! It's just a matter of the individuals "willingness" to go!.!.!.through the door!!! And it is just that : quite individual!.!.!. - one "learns" quick!.!.!.!. the other : slow!.!.!.- A certain dedication & devotion is necessary to achieve (any of your) goals!.!.!.- a little discipline as well!.!.!.

Wish you all the best for the future!.!.!.Greetings from Germany!.!.Annette***Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have strength and weaknesses!. We are unique beings-as unique as snow flakes!. What may come easily to some may be a huge burden to someone else!. So the answers to this question is that all individuals have to find their own way!. What does not kill us makes us stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh definitely wide open!. When you put rules around it, unless they are self imposed because it feels right to you, then you diminish the gate due to resistance!. But really it is quite open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wide, very very wide!. No path is narrow, every second is another chance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The second is true!.It soon becomes a habit and the door which appears very narrow, actually becomes wide open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have rightly said that discipline devotion and sincere practice are requiredWww@QuestionHome@Com


Do not make a door!. To make a door makes a wall!. Believe that you are already there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on whether your mind is wide or narrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's invisible!. You need to feel your way around for a while for a handle or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no such thingWww@QuestionHome@Com