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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are some ATHEISTS just as pompous and self-righteous as BELIEVERS?

Question: Why are some ATHEISTS just as pompous and self-righteous as BELIEVERS!?
The extreme Atheist argues there is NO GOD and fails to see that by making this irrational, faith-based assertion he is putting themselves in the same unscientific box as the believer!.

Yet these same extemists are pompously self-confident that they are the true, rational group and the believers are foolish!.

It's laughable!.

Example: Lightning hits a tree in 400 BC!. Three people see it happen!. Person #1 says IT JUST HAPPENED THERE WAS NO CAUSE!. Person #2 says "I THINK IT HAD TO DO WITH ELECTRIC CHARGES"!.

Now, it's 400 BC!. There is NO WAY to prove that the electric charge idea is correct!. Electric charges could be considered a fantasy!. They could be considered delusional!. Same thing with bacteria causing illness in the middle ages!. No way to see/detect them with technology of the times!. So they could be considered imaginary or fantastic!.

Just because an assertion is fantastic or can't be proven, you CAN'T dismiss it out of hand!. If person #1 above felt superior to #2, he'd be WRONG!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are completely right there!. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - from a viewpoint of simple logic, one cannot be 100% sure that there is no God, unless he or she possesses all the knowledge in the universe - in which case he or she would be God!.

We believers believe beyond reasonable doubt that there is a God!. Yet if 'atheists' believe beyond reasonable doubt that there is no God, they throw themselves open to the option that there is a God - which makes them agnostic by definition!.

Pompous believers are no fun!. Neither are pompous atheists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Charming, but incorrect!. The Atheist doesn't assert that God does not exist--at least not in my experience!. The Atheist asserts that there is no reason to believe there is!. And there isn't!. The Atheist points out natural processes which fill the role of an all powerful God, and show it as possible--thus more probable by orders of magnitude, than the ever-extant super-complex being!.
There may or may not be Atheists who assert wildly that God does not exist, or that it's been disproven, but these people are often just angsty teenagers and malcontents, not reasonable people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pomposity and self-righteousness don't have anything to do with what you believe, they relate to how you act!. Even someone who believes things you believe foolish may be humble and polite, and even someone who agrees with you on every point may be brash and insulting!. Attack beliefs for what they contain, not who contains them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believers are arrogant from the long tradition of their belief and what they think is the "authority" of their old holy books that then makes them "authorities!." Atheist are arrogant because of the "authority" of the science community establishment!.

Established science is corrupted by corporations and profit, so that they suppress new inventions and new discoveries!. If it weren't for science, there would have been a cure for cancer a long time ago, but at the tune of millions, or billions of research money a year, that our taxes fund, a cure for cancer will never be found, and if there is one, it will be used only for the ruling rich elites who own our govt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personality!. It has nothing to do with the subject matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didnt even bother reading everything else you wrote!. I read the title!. My answer is: there are jerks everywhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

C'mon, Chuck!. Take a deep breath and relax!.

Life isn't this damned serious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are fanatics on both sides of the coin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creation is the proof that everything has the possibility to exist!. Humans currently only have the ability to know physical things and until we evolve past the irrational thinking that we are it, The big creation!. The best there is we will be forever in a world of delusion!. The problem is with the Ego, it refuses to let there be a better being therefore every man is right in his own mind!. For man seeks to be the best due to ego saying I am best, I am what matters, Beyond I there is nothing!. As a sentient beings, we have to go beyond ourselves to see ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Close, but the problem is that the electrical assertion can be TESTED and evidence can be found!.

When someone asserts "There is a mystical being that nobody will ever be able to detect or sense!.!.!.!. but I know he's there!" That's a whole different ball of wax!.

The idea of a god is not falisifiable, in fact, no 2 people have the same definition of god!. And by your logic, we have to accept that all 2,500 gods that man has come up with may exist!. So why aren't you worshipping all of them just in case!? Even the ones that contradict the other ones!?

Celloman: Logical fallacy!. By your definition, If I assert that there are no invisible pink unicorns on this planet, I just opened my self to the idea that there ARE such beings!. That means that literally any imaginary being that man can come up with, I have to stay open to it's possible existence!. That is ludicrous!.

Sean W could not be more wrong!. The reason we have so many religions is exactly BECAUSE people think there is something more powerful than them!. The number of atheists in the world is quite small!.

"Example: Lightning hits a tree in 400 BC!. Three people see it happen!. Person #1 says IT JUST HAPPENED THERE WAS NO CAUSE!. Person #2 says "I THINK IT HAD TO DO WITH ELECTRIC CHARGES"!."

You forgot the third person, the one who said "I think Big Juju who lives in the sky is displeased with us! I must kill Persons #1 and 2, for He doth command it!"

If he feels superior to either #1 or #2, he'd be wrong!. Wronger than #1, and even MORE wrong if he felt that way about #2!. In fact, we'd all be better off if the lightning had hit Person #3 instead of the tree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In general atheists are a lot less strident than believers, at least in part because we think everyone is entitled to an opinion so long as his or her holding it doesn't adversely affect us!. Live and let live!.
As to the existence of some supernatural thing which is closely involved with our daily lives: the great William of Occam said if you hear hooves think horses, not zebras!. Actually he didn't, but something close!. And in the matter of a god I hear no hooves, none at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look buddy there has never ever been ANY proof for the existence of god, so therefore it's fair for me to say "God does not exist"!. That's not pompousness it's called reality!.

If I said that I thought pixies were living inside my computer, wouldn't it be fair for someone to question and ask for proof!. If I then answered "Ah but it's all about faith"!. Wouldn't I get accused of being delusional and possibly get locked up in a psychiatric hospital!?

Well the parallel between the pixies and god are the same!. But you've been brainwashed to think otherwise!. It's not self-righteousness, it's called reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com