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Question: Is Carma Real!?
They say if you do something bad to someone something bad will happen to you soon after it!. Is this fate or is something or someone making you pay!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Faith which is Heart's inhabitant, makes real those things which reside in a mind!.!.!.we call it beliefs!.!.!.well !.!.disbeliefs as well!. Disbelief is simply another form of belief that is all!. And it is up to us to make anything real or not!.!.!.if we could resolve belief and disbelief, Faith does not care what make real both represents a beliefs!.!.!.so it makes real both, one way or another, without our participation in a process!. Know thy self!. There is a tip!.!.!.If you believe that anything is possible, there will not be a place for disbeliefs, while belief is turn of being not necessary any longer!.!.!.Deliberate that!.By the way , if you exclude meanings of good and bad from karma, then you will see clearly that karma is simply a repetition of an existing personal patterns in a local scale and impersonal in a global terms!.!.!. that would contradict to the meaning of evolution whether human's or Universe and it does!. Pattern can be changed, and it changes karma accordingly!.!.!.Well old patterns would be eliminated and new won't be created!.!.!. then a meaning of a karma will be irrelevant!. You just have to figure out yourself how,and which way it might be done!.!.!.remember!? Anything is possible!. Actually , it is not karma making us pay!.!.!.it is societies our own creation making us pay, just being aware of our patterns, put us in a constant debt!. We created karma in our mind in the same way and it function in a way any society functioning!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people do believe in what you do to someone, you will get back! So if you do something bad you would get something bad in return! also would be true if you do something good, you would also get something back that is good! That is if you believe this way!

Actually I feel you can in some instances create what does happen in your life! Action always has a reaction of some kind, and can set things in motion! Give some thought to this and you will understand what I am saying here !! Cheers !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say NO i mean ok lets say you steal a pack of gum from a store!.!.!.!.then one day someone steals from you SURE you can say omg its karma but i think its coinsedence sure it could be real but think about how the hell can karma exist if ur budhist with like 1000 gods fine u can believe it but if your christian with one god then noWww@QuestionHome@Com

Karma isn't about 'making you pay' its all about balance!. The universe must maintain balance: good and bad luck, happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure, success and failure!. So what you put out there comes back!. If you do good good happens to you, same goes with bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Karma is real, I think, in the sense that, what you put out there, will come back to you, through positive and negative energy!.
What goes around, comes around, is a viable quote I heard all my life!. It kept me in check, most of the time! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com


Of course it does!. Nobody is "making you pay" as the other person said, karma is just keeping balance in the universe!. Karma is the good and bad energies that affect your soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

correction: Karma!.

and it only exists if you beleive it, especially to the bhuddistsWww@QuestionHome@Com

that's not karma!. What you described is cause and effect!. Karma is cause and effect across incarnations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's karma with a K not a C, and yes it does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so!. I do good for alot of ppl but only the bad things happen to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a person from many years of witnessing Karma, yes!. I would have to say it's real !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don′t Know

I hope it existWww@QuestionHome@Com