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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the most convincing (to you) reason to live?What is the most convincing

Question: What is the most convincing (to you) reason to live!?What is the most convincing opinion of the meaning of life
Let me just preface this:

I am not suicidal/depressed/angry or have mental imbalances!. I am not crazy!.

I just want to hear some of YOUR opinions!.

In all kindness, please do not give me personal advice!.

Why do you think life is so worth living, and so on!.

I'm just curious about people, nothing more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most convincing reason to live: Beauty and laughter
Personal opinion of the meaning of life: really it's not that complicated, but actually kind of ridiculously simple!.!.!. obviously it's to reproduce so your genes get carried into the future!.!.!. it's pure instinct no matter how much you try and deny it!. DUH!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't express that you're not suicidal, depressed, or angry!.

There's no reason for that!. If people think you are those things, then that is their opinon not yours, don't let someone elses opinon rule yours!.

And what do I think the reason to live life, I don't know!.

And as for the meaning of life- there is no meaning only understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an interesting question!. Not exactly a good cocktail party topic!. But more and more people are asking this question and it is not coming from their intellect but from their hearts!. It seems as humanity has progressed, we have also reached a dead end, in terms of science, technology etc!.!.!.Where are we going to find fulfillment and hope!?

I have found great meaning in my life, by coming to the study of authentic Kabbalah!. After years of searching, this wisdom gave me real explanations to difficult questions!. On topics that religions and other guru's, gave totally unsatisfactory explanations based on conjecture and speculation!.

The purpose of life, according to the wisdom, is come to have equal qualities with hidden force that brought us into existence!. We are 100% receivers and our Creator is 100% bestowal/unconditional giving!. We are being obliged, out of our own free, to come to equivalence of form to the quality of bestowal!. If (in our current quality) this pleasure was revealed to us, we would exploit nature, like we do everyone and everything else!. Nature is pressuring us through all of the crises that we are going through, to come to appreciate the quality of bestowal!. All of these things we experience as suffering, can only be remedied by us wanting to change our nature, and the suffering will continue to accelerate until the "thought of creation" is carried out, it is just a matter of how!.

If you or anyone else is interested in learning more here is a short clip where Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman explains the purpose of life:

my life has a purpose!.!.!.and with this purpose i am willed to live!.!.i am hoping God will give me all the strength to surpass all the pain and hardship!.!.!.for it is worth when after all my pain i will taste the sweetness of life!.!.!.!.my dream convinces me to go on!.!.!.i am hoping and wishing i will get there!.!.!.i will just keep on walking!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My God and my mother, because she has been my one and only true friend throughout my twenty years!.!. Even when my heart was truly broken for the first time, even when I wanted to give up on living, somehow she was always there!.!. Even when I was rejected by friends because I wasnt cool or just different and misunderstood!.!. or when this girl decided to dump our friendship because I was with a boy and she wasnt back then!.!. even then he left me heart broken several times!.!. or like in university now, where all my friends have left me and I will be graduating alone, I know that I have 2 things that are keeping me alive, and that is my mother and the good lord!.!. When I was told I had to repeat one year of this bachelor course, I had no one to feel loved by and isolation is the state I am in now!.!. but my mum was a phone call away!.!. and if that wasnt enough!.!. I sat in church when there was no one!.!. and i prayed and truly cried my heart out to god!.!. Yes this all sounds depressing but thats life!.!. it sucks but I cant die just because of a boy who broke my heart or just because I have to repeat one year or because all my friends are gone except for my mum and god!.!. because as a person grows up!.!. we learn that not everyone will be able to love or care for us!.!. so we learn to be happy even if just one living person can love us in anyway they best and possibly can in spite of the long physical distance between us!.!. we grow to accept things in time!.!. at times we seek temporary pleasures and distractions to help us cope, but faith somehow keeps us strong and in my opinion gives us a will to live somehow, in spite of all the pain we must go through for a purpose!?!?!.!. Does that make sense!? :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man!. For God shall bring every word into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil!.
Ecclesiastes 12:13,14
For the good news, read John 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com

the most convicing for me to live is that fact that no one know whats after life and i find that to be the scariest thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intellectual labor and the personal freedom to pursue it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mainly just to see whats going to happen next!.over coming daily struggles makes it worth livingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Curiosity, I want to see what will happen next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to love and to learnWww@QuestionHome@Com