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Position:Home>Philosophy> I am 16 & i want to have better work ethic.?

Question: I am 16 & i want to have better work ethic!.!?
i have applied myself to AP classes in highschool for the upcoming school year, but to get use to that, i need to know how i can get better work ethic and be more active in doing what i have to than slouching in life!.

any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I was in high school I made up a game with myself & you can do the same thing depending on how you want to spend your time!.!.!.!.I would take my schedule from school & at night I would spend a certain amount of time on each class!. So I would get the homework done or I would get ahead in that class in some way!.!.!.If you know what work you will be doing in your classes you might be able to get the text book & read ahead, learning new vocabulary, etc!.!.!.If you are taking a certain language you can listen to tapes or find someone who would like to talk to you on the phone to help you improve!.!.!.My son took Spanish & he is now top in his field because the older men at his level didn't learn Spanish when they were younger!.!.!.You can schedule you day as if you had school & spend time on structured work or just learning more about your subject!.!.!.You might even be able to find others on here who want to do the same thing & start a study group!. People start sports practice in the summer maybe your school can give you the names of other students & you can send them a letter to see if they would like to have a study group!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it's possible, go with your mom or dad to work one day!. Just observe what they do to provide for the family!. That is your future and it requires a good work ethic!. Realizing the effort it takes to provide even the basics in life can be a real wake-up call or it should be!.

At least you realize you need a better work ethic!. That is the first step to being more mature so you can do well when things are not provided for you by your parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!.!.!.I'm 37 and have the self same problem!. I think the main thing is to do what you've done, acknowledge it!. Then you can start to get on top of the situation and just force yourself to pull your finger out!. My work is entirely self directed, the important thing is to not fool yourself, to think yeah!.!.!.I'm doing ok!.
Because I have a tendency to be lazy, by admitting to it, looking at what I've achieved, I end up working harder because I'm policing myself!.
The other thing I've often thought of is hypno-therapy, just to see if I cant actually change my attitude!.
also, whilst you're right to keep this in check, don't worry to much, after f**king up school utterly, I've gone on to have a very successful academic career, then in turn to achieve at a high level in my professional field!. You'll be all right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a genuine interest in what you're learning and how it can be applied to real life!. You're studying for a reason, and it's not just to graduate highschool!. Pay attention to what your instructor is saying, and ask questions!. If something strikes you as particularly interesting, jot down a note, and do a little extra research in your free time!. I find that I am most motivated when I "do for the joy of doing"!. Learn for the sake of knowing!. What you learn will stay with you, and it will mean more to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good Q-- find and emulate someone older than you who willingly loves & teaches you serving as your role model!. Stuff your ego and fears as much as possible and pay attention when they give you advice you asked for!. That's what I did and I went onto MIT!. I even took some college courses in summer to make up highschool omissions before I went to MIT!. I became a chemical engineer which was no piece of cake!. DO your best everyday! And make it a habit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

first of all you need to find motivation!. secondly, work on your time management skills, do things when you say you will do them, do not lie or cheat on anything, pay attention, concentrate!. if you are not motivated, a lot of this stuff is going to be even harder to improveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Challenge yourself to try to learn all you can about different areas!. Sign up for classes or workshops!. Whatever you see others doing in life, try to be a cut above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make a daily schedule!. Fill your time with studying or things that will help you in the future!. Then when you do these things give yourself a little treat!. If you don't do your list, then no treat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

be organisedWww@QuestionHome@Com