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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to live a "blessed" life?

Question: Is it possible to live a "blessed" life!?
I am confused, and so I pose this question to you all!. I continue to find, that in comparison to those around me, I have a "blessed" life!. There are no problems in my immedeate family, we are not rich but not poor, I am healthy, pretty smart, not completely hideous!. And now!.!.!. now I find that I am being offered a great gift!.!.!. something I didn't think I'd ever find!. True happiness!. The OPPORTUNITY to live a perfect life!.

Is it wrong of me to think that this dream is not possible!? That even if I accepted and dedicated myself to this chance, it wouldn't work out the way I hope, simply because something has to go wrong somewhere!? Tell me what you think; could anyone, not just me, live out a blessed life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
when you are born, it's a blessing from day one!. You have a soul, and you have the opportunity to live out all your dreams and aspirations!. every one has a chance to go out and see the world, to live like they've always wanted, to dream impossibly amazing dreams!. if you think about it, opportunities and decisions come out of every decision we make!. here's an odd one that actually happened to me!.!.!.I'm serious!.

I woke up late one morning!. too lazy to make cereal, so i made toast instead!. went to work a bit hungry and complained about it at lunch with my colleagues!. a girl named Lindsay (a close friend) invited me to Subway for a sandwich!. And that's how i met my girlfriend!.

I'm dead serious, but if you choose not to believe it then fine!.
but the point is that opportunities come out of consequences, ones that you make every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everybody is blessed in my eyes!. sure we go through problems but for me being bless means having god with you!. god is always with you!. take a chance and if something goes wrong than oh well but if you dont try then youll never know what could have been!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This good dream is possible, so continue to focus on what you want and what you hope for!. Don't expect failure, but when something does go wrong, observe it!. Try not to be too critical by asking "why me!? why is this happening to me!?" Think about what it's teaching you!. Remember that everyone suffers on earth, but it's how we cope with everything that makes the difference!. Those that have a good path must also face man's inevitable fate: death and death of those we love!. The harder you love it seems, the harder it hurts!. So many live better lives than they think, and if they only stopped comparing themselves to the shiny people on television, they might start to enjoy their lives and we might actually begin to evolve!. In Costa Rica they say 'Pura Vida' (pure life) Frida Kahlo said 'Viva la Vida' (long live life)!. Enjoy it!Www@QuestionHome@Com