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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you got an agnostic/ type view?

Question: Have you got an agnostic/ type view!?
Do you believe that there may actually be some kind of intelligent creative force at work!? Not so much an old bearded man who created humans in his own image but something beyond human comprehension!? Part if the reason I don’t agree with atheism is because I think it’s better to reserve judgement until you know, better to leave possibilities open… Every now and then I feel like there’s an order in things and there must be purposeful intelligent design behind it!.

What are your thoughts / theories !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Atheism is possible because of a lack of evidence that can confirm the existence of God - if there were credible evidence for the existence of a Creator, we'd all be believers (if not worshippers)!. Reserving judgement is pointless - it's like saying that the bogeyman might exist, so I'll just keep on believing in him in case!.!.!. If an intelligent creative force that is responsible for all of Creation exists, it exists - your belief is irrelevant!. As for apparent intelligent design, rainbows look stunning and the colours always appear in the same order, so does that mean they are designed!? How about crystals!? Things that are designed (by humans) show evidence of design that can be traced back to a designer!. What is the evidence of naturally occurring things that we feel must indicate a designer!? If we have any, why can't it be traced back !? Just because something looks so complicated that we can't work out how it could have occurred naturally, by evolution, doesn't mean that it must have been designed, it means that we haven't figured out how it works yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think one does not preclude the other!. If we take at face value the possibility that alien civilizations exist and that some of those alien civilizations are much much more advanced than us, working in kinds of engineering that are on the scale of engineering star-systems!.

In the case where such civilizations can be presumed to exist, the debate over a biblical sort of God really gets to a question of whether or not such civilization existed within something like 1000 light years of the Earth!.

In such a case, it's quite possibly the case that the Bible or some accounting of the facts that draws a resemblance to the stories could hold some merit!.

While it may seem pretty trite to make a pop-fiction reference, I always found that Star Trek in particular, really conjectured about a civilization that could essentially pull off "most" of the stories of the Bible, short of the actual creation of the planet!.

So it's entire possible, if we take a hard scientific approach, to consider that, some of the various narratives of creation could in fact hold some merit!.

I think that when we consider that the shepherds and peasants might have gotten the time-frames wrong, and maybe they couldn't explain everything they encountered with forensic detail, but it's entirely possible the basic themes were intact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you remember the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac,who sat up all night wondering " Is there a dog !? "
Your view on leaving things open reminds me of W!.C!. Fields who was apparently found reading the bible
"You are an atheist, what are you reading the Bible for !? " one his friends asked,
" Just looking for loopholes " WC replied!.
I really don't know,clearly there is a natural order to our world, the earth moves around the sun, night follows day etc!. I can understand why you don't want to commit yourself!. Jesus Christ said those who are not for me are against me!.That's pretty unequivocal!.Andrew Dawkins, Andrew Clapper and the National Secular Society know where the stand, but that does not make it any easier for me or I guess you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not any type of -stic!. i'm jus a teen!.
btw, that order, it's called science!. and the unknown, it's called religion!.!.!. idk wat happens out there, but it's sorta weird watchin all these ppl make conspiracy theories!. makin connections between stars, government & stuff!.

i think!.!.!. everything happens 4 a reason!. why did d egg fall off d wall!? cuz of gravity!. y did d waterfalls look so beautiful, natural phenomenon!. but idk if in some other galaxy, there's waterfalls 2!. but i also used 2 wonder if i had special powersWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, I am an atheist, I do not see the need for any hypothesis that involves intelligent design to explain the universe as we observe it!. Naturalistic explanations are sufficient!.
You seem to be describing the anthropomorphic fallacy!. Natural laws can create the appearance of design, it does not follow that there is a designer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am an agnostic, and that there is no greater thing than natural evolution which means we are not any thing special in the Cosmos, just another insect in the dust,remember that a galaxy is just like an atom so our world could be an atom in some creatures table!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I have fields and cows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com