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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you see a woman wearing a mini mini-skirt do you fix your eyes on her or do

Question: When you see a woman wearing a mini mini-skirt do you fix your eyes on her or do you ignore it!?
And if women see men semi nak!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I fix my imagination on her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what the Mini-Skirt, is attempting to conceal or not conceal!.
By that I mean, occasionally there are some women who wear mini skirts!.
Who are performing a grotesque act of indecency, by attempting to conceal!.
Parts of their body that, a thousand of the Top 2% of surgeons in the world couldn't conceal!.
That dieting to the rate, of 1 multi vitamin and Mineral Capsule per day for 100,000 days!. Wouldn't reduce the body description, below Obese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't ignore her, if I thought she was attractive I would stare as any woman would stare at a half-naked man!. Its human nature ! In the past human- nakedness was seen as a thing of beauty and not something to be afraid of!. I sometimes think that a lot of middle aged women would criticize men for staring a women, but the duplicity of it is that they stare at men and don't seem to be criticized !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Girls do not put on micro-minis and such by mistake!.
They know what they are doing!.

A girl came into my first class Monday evening, a few minutes after everyone else!. This alone singled her out; the push-up bra and the wide-open cleavage (I saw a belly-button somewhere in there) is what clinched the show!.

Now, she may not have come late on purpose, but I don't think her mother dressed her like that, and she couldn't have put on such a get-up by accident!.

As a lonely man, I have a bit of time to ruminate over this, and here's what I've been wanting to tell the world (thanks for the podium!.!.!.)!.

That belly-button I just referred to!.!.!. I saw *all of that* because this silly twit rushed into the classroom just as I was closing the door, and we nearly collided!. However, my usual practice!.!.!. is to sternly ignore people who think they can 'push my button', as they can indeed do with the pulsating masses of 'LCD' jackasses!.

They should get no gratification for taking the easy way to stand out and be noticed in the world!. After all, I am a teacher, Gudd demmit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In both cases, when the Body is well proportioned and the person's attitude is not to challenge or to tease, I do fix my eyes on them!. Because I believe in Beauty!. Wherever it is found!. I am not like those who condemn the human body and its nakedness !. There are times when nakedness is Art, is something that pleases the eye and the senses in a fine way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just really saw one this afternoon along my way back home, My natural reaction was like 'Wow' cool!.!.! But that is all! No malicious or sexual chemical responses in me!. It is just good to appreciate somebody!. Beside, he wasn't snobbing or stalking me either!.!.Just enjoying a bit of fashion for a moment let's say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends upon the person wearing the clothes!.!.!.or should I say 'not' wearing the clothes!? If he has a good athletic body a covertly appreciative second glance is merited!. Now if I am having a girls' day out, we may laugh; and tease a bit too!.!.!.all in good fun! C'mon we ARE normal girls!.!.!.sometimes too naughty!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I look at peoples faces so probably wouldn't bother looking nor caring about it!. I am a female and don't find women attractive!. If it was a man I might fix my eyes on him but only if I found him attractive!. I'm really not interested in men right now in my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I look!. To paraphrase Dave Chappelle: don't wear a cop uniform if you're not a cop, same goes for women dressing like hussies!. If you don't want the attention don't wear the outfit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes if it's a nice looking woman in a mini-skirt I look!.!.If it's an unattractive woman I ignore!.
Things of beauty are appealing!.!.just like a beautiful sunset why ignore it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey try and relate to the person
you are not having an interaction with what they are wearing
and if you can't see past this run away as you are not a socially responsible personWww@QuestionHome@Com

The mini is so far out of fashion these days that yes, I would look at her!. Anyway, a good pair of legs is always worth an appreciative ogle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its okay to admire beauty - or to be curious of the eyesore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be discourteous to stare!. (if anyone was watching me)
You failed to mention whether or not she has good legs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would depends on her legs!.
I am not interested in hairy legs (^-^)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well im a guy depends if the girl is hot i look if she isnt i dont pay that attentionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I gotta' fess up!.

I look and then try to act like I ain't!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either way- My eye will be fixed: (1) GF is HOT or (2) figure how GF got in itWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is not an 'OR' question!. I personally just admire and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cant help but to look!. sorry girls its in our bloodWww@QuestionHome@Com