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Position:Home>Philosophy> Easier for a camel to go through eye of a needle than RICH man enter Heaven... c

Question: Easier for a camel to go through eye of a needle than RICH man enter Heaven!.!.!. correct!?!?
Then why do the Calvinists believe that wealth is evidence of grace!? Is it really the Protestant GREED ethic!?!.!.!.or should we really give up all that we own and follow him!? These materialistic televangelists make me sick!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My pastor talked about this one, from what I recall, this is a summary of what he said:

It's not the money, it's the love of money!. Because it was and still is a common belief that wealth indicates God's favor (think about Job and his constant denial of having done anything wrong to have his wealth taken away), this gets misinterpreted as a complaint against wealth!. As the love of money tends to lead the soul astray, as you say about the televangelists, it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle rather than a man who loves money to get into heaven!.

((Note: the "eye of the needle" being a reference to a fence is apparently a myth!. Sorry to the above!.))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Back in the day, 2,000 + years ago, people were either really really rich, or really really poor, and worked for the rich people who were usually cruel!. Jesus was a champion of the poor, and gave them something to hope for/ believe in other than the miserable life they were leading!.
The needles eye was a small entrance (or hole) in the city wall that a person had to nearly crawl through!. A camel was much to large to fit!.

If we could translate that into today's language, it may mean something like this;

It is much easier for a Quarter Horse to fit through a knot hole in a privacy fence then for a wealthy people hater to enter heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

different people, different beliefs, but I'd say its way easier to be graceful when you have money at your disposal than when you don't, and the more you have the more you can give even if you give just a little its more on a monetary basis than those who give everything but have nothing to giveWww@QuestionHome@Com

The truth of the saying has more to do with one's attachment to money than whether one has it or not!. It has to do with attachment--to anything in the relative world, anything finite!. Attachment keeps one from being in heaven, which is unity with the Infinite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is true, but only because you can puree a camel and put it through a small hole, but heaven is a fiction so no one goes there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But that isn't what Calvinists believe at all! Check it out -Www@QuestionHome@Com