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Position:Home>Philosophy> About the last supper, what does wine and bread mean to you?

Question: About the last supper, what does wine and bread mean to you!?
Would you agree on having the very same kind of wine and bread Jesus had along with his disciples at the last supper and go through the same kind of experience!. Say you want to do the experiment with your group of friends and after eating and drinking you find yourselves there is a Judas kind of person sharing with you!. How would you react on discovering!? How would you keep your cool up!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure how you could go through the same experience just by sampling the very same kind of wine and bread - this wasn't just some dinner party! So which of you is going to be Jesus during your experiment!? George, you are disrespectful and a waste of oxygen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bread and wine symbolized the flesh and blood of Jesus!. As far as Judas betrayal Jesus, there is some thought among theologians that Judas and Jesus were good friends and that together they had planned to have Judas "betray" Jesus!.
Remember, even if they both were not in it together, Jesus still knew and told him to go!. He turned the other cheek instead of having the rest attack him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people actually believe that the bread and wine really transubstantiate - i!.e!. become the body and blood of Jesus!.
I've never understood why Roman Catholics only take the bread!.
Others believe that it is symbolic!. As Jesus is supposed to have said, 'Do this in remembrance of me!.'
Judas was impatient He 'betrayed' Jesus, because he wanted to see Jesus perform a 'miracle', but Jesus wasn't an exhibitionist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's just like few close friends having a good meal!. just like maybe at weekends friends go out or order something!. There is no need to go that deep to look for something that isn't there!.

If I suspect a Judas, I would immediately start thinking about how to confront him!. I would react by involving others and raising my suspicions!. It is better to be safe than sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was younger I was always dissapointed around easter time as the church services I went to were so ''fake''!. I wanted there to be a wooden table, some spiritual music etc!.!.!. and mindfullness!. Today what we see is a quick ''this is the blood that is given to you'' then we go away back to our seats!. We should embrace discipleship literally if we truly want to be saved!. Many people who I see at religious ceromies are very good actors!. I believe that disciples were imperfect- not all were from wealthy families, they may have had bad things happen to them so I don't see the point of putting on this charade of ''perfection''!. I believe that if you are touched by the holy spirit then you are truly amazing to begin with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And if Judas had not 'betrayed' Jesus, what would have happened then!? The whole reason for him being there, to provide a blood-sacrifice to appease his psychotic dad, would have been negated!
The Christian myth really does not stand up to scrutiny!.
I like bread and wine, though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Red Whine was the blood of christ if you believe in that horse ****!. Im sorry i just cant tolerate people being brain washed by urban legends!

Jesus = A normal person who got painfully nailed to a cross and died!?

Did he come back from the dead !? no! He rotted on the cross and vultures pecked his eyes out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bread is the peace and secure comfort essential for freedom of thought and will!.

Wine is that intoxicating elixir bringing bliss and surreal high and love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what you have said to Rexi - I realize that you have an answer already that you want others to get - So I have stopped trying to answer it for myself -I dont like being caught up in this kind of dynamic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WELL i love a few glasses of rose pinot grigiot myself & a slice of kingsmill & havin a judas about would just be like any other nite really!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Judas Iscariot was from a people that wanted to rebel against Rome and he sold Jesus to the Jewish people and for some reason commited suicide!. I think because he realized Jesus was the Son of GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the quality of the bread and the region the wine comes fromWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is always a "Judas type person" if you really pay attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus did not exist so there was no last supper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Food and Drink- Don't read anything else into it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me know when and where the party takes place and I'll be there!.!.!.!.will there be pizza!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means a jolly good time to me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd be fine if there was cheese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans in additional to being a social animal are also a ritualistic animal!. That is rituals, which are meaningless acts in and of themselves, are used to symbolize a host of things both conscious and unconscious!.

The sharing of the bread and wine is a ritual of intimacy, not all that different from Tom Sawyer cutting himself and smearing the his blood with the blood of a friends together to become blood brothers!. It symbolizes membership, which is what belief is in the final analysis!. The unconscious part is that it might not be apparent that a membership has been established although it would be emotionally felt!.

The role of Judas is also unconsciously symbolic!. Judas establishes the feeling that there are others who are not members, who do not believe the same, those who repudiate the beliefs that create memberships, and are therefore to be denounced, isolated, ostracized, perhaps even killed and made to look like a suicide!. Judas' act of kissing Jesus was as much part of the ritual as the breaking of bread to establish unity, two ritualistic paradoxes!. The bread and wine are the ritual of unity, we are brothers, and Judas is the ritual of isolation, they are not our brothers!.

The thing that most people don't realize is that all memberships imply non-membership, even create the criteria for non-membership whenever they create the requirements for membership!. So there is always a Jesus persona in any group and also a Judas!. Just human behavior and not spiritual at all, assuming there is such a thing as spiritual, which is yet to be proven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com