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Position:Home>Philosophy> If an inventer gave you the chance to invent something, would you have something

Question: If an inventer gave you the chance to invent something, would you have something in mind!? what would it be!?
be relistic, nothing that actually cant be made!. like a machine that makes real money or a machine that makes gas!. thats not going to happen!. it would be nice!. haha!. im trying to find someone that would help me make oderless nail polish!. how about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Quantum teleportation by entangling left handed particles for superlumial data transfer in information technologies!.
Or a guitar with an effects processor on board (not sure why this on does not exist yet I mean you have modelers and electric guitars, surely fusing these two things would not require any great feats of engineering!?!?!?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's not how it works!. It is entirely up to you to do the research into the chemistry behind nail polish and start experimenting with new stuff!. The USPTO was set up to help "motivated" people, not just those who have ideas and don't act on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you have some misconceptions here!. Inventors dont just "grant you" the opportunity to invent something!.!.!. especially since you invent based on your own ideas, not those of some other inventor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would invent something that allows me to become invisible!. then I would do anything I wanted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would ask them to invent me into a real boy!Www@QuestionHome@Com