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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible that maybe I think too much instead of just doing something about

Question: Is it possible that maybe I think too much instead of just doing something about my situation!?
I seem to remember Soren Kierkegaard criticizing folks in his day because they were more content with being spectators rather than being active participants!. According to the melancholy Dane, existence is the most concrete thing that there is!. Life must be experienced or lived!. He appears to maintain that it is imperative to eschew paralysis by analysis!. I sometimes wonder whether I'm stuck in a rut because I analyze what I ought to do as opposed to just doing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! You are lucky enough to notice and admit it!. Most people don't or are just unaware!. I agree even more so today about Kierkegaard's statement!. People don't seem to be involved in much because it too easy to say "its not my fault" if we're not involved!. I remember a motivational speaker saying that when we were elementary school, kids were eager to raise their hands to show off what they know and answer questions!. High schools and colleges seem to be the contrary!. When and where did we loose this!?

People talk about the future of America going to crap!. It seemed that we were constantly pumping out fresh and new innovative minds that greatly contributed to mankind!. Now its like we leave it to someone else to come up with that stuff, now we have a lack of motivation!. I was just thinking a few hours ago how the American Dream has changed!. Work hard and striving for a good education was valued!. Now people see how others become rich and live wealthy almost effortlessly, and we see ourselves attaining what we want that way, but amazingly, for most of us it doesn't work that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like you do not like your situation, therefore the worse things you can do is to think about what you don`t like since that will only bring more of the same to you!. Since your state isn`t the best, then your doing won`t lead to much either!.

The only `doing` that is productive is to `do` whatever will bring you into a good state!. That could be petting a cat or listening to your favourite tunes (if that improves your mood), to watching some old slapstick comedies (again if they help) to remembering some of your favourite experiences like vacations or trips, all the way to imagining your situation exactly how you would prefer it to be as if it already is that way!. The change can be in smaller steps or increments if the situation is extreme!. Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are the type of person that over-analyses, like me, then it can become a problem!.

At one stage I made a sign for my door that said "DO rather than THINK"!. It wasn't meant to suggest that I should never think, but just to remind me to redress the balance!.

Some people don't analyse at all and this is bad!. A balance is necessary!.

Think of the ability to analyse as a tool!. All tools should only be used in the correct context otherwise the phrase "Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut" springs to mind!.

Mindfulness is the best way to combat over-analysis, it is good for intellectual types!. I recommend an 8-week course called MBCT / MBSR which was inspired by Jon Kabat-Zinn!.

People that tend to analyse a situation without referencing their emotions often fare worse!. The best hybrid is emotions + logic!. Just one of these on it's own is often inferior, but even then it depends on context I suppose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intellectual thought is just reorganizing concepts you initially built from concrete experience!. It's like a little game you can play in your imagination!. It has little to no bearing on what actual reality is!.

The only way to know what reality is, is to experience it rather than intellectualize it!.

But anyway, in a more practical sense: yes, you are in your head too much! Get out there and see what is what!. The material reality is already dream-like enough without spending all your time dreaming about a dream!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Completely!. I often have days when i'm too lazy to do any working out or practice guitar, I resort to planning stuff or thinking about how much exercise or practice I could do when it is far better to just get up and get on with it!. It also helps to avoid thinking about things that are in the future, but actually give a timescale to things!. Instead of 'oneday', say either 'in 2 years', 'in 4 months' or 'in 3 weeks'!. Deadlines basically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. The problem is not analysis, but using analysis as a substitute for action!.

The reality of life is in the doing!. But that in no way implies that doing without thinking is a good idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one should lead a life with experiences as they are the foundations or the stepping stones!. so, do your duty and be disciplined to become a disciple!. instead of fear, wonder of those things you are facing in life!. best of luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

try to figure out what u want,,, then think ways on how you reach it!.!.!. then ask yourself if its possible or not!.!. if possible go for it!.!.!. if not then try to figure out why not then do something about it!.!. most important is you analyze ur abilities and strength!.!.!. then you apply itWww@QuestionHome@Com

i say stop analyzing and analyzing your analysis and start living life and having fun!!Www@QuestionHome@Com