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Position:Home>Philosophy> Freedom within grasp?

Question: Freedom within grasp!?
Do you think freedom is within your control or do you feel freedom is an illusion!? Why do you feel that way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course freedom is within our control!. The number one law of the universe is free will, hence, the choices one makes on a moment to moment basis determine the level and quality of one's awareness!. This, in turn, determines whether freedom, which is our natural state, is allowed to govern consciousness!. If it is obscured with what is essentially unreal and untrue, i!.e!. fear, anger, hatred, etc!., then one does not experience true freedom!. I believe in this idea because virtually every spiritual text or treatise that I have every read expresses some version of it!. It can also be found in the philosophical traditions, especially existentialism!. Finally, you will even find it in the field of psychology!. The problem is that once we find we are responsible for our own freedom, there is fear, terror in many cases!. But that too, is just an illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom is no illusion it is no world power either!. Or world police!. It is something within an individual, i meaning knowing we may never see a whole world peace we should just start locally self freedom im saying its reachable i think i have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom, oh freedom, that's just some people talkin'!. Your prison is wanderin' through this world all alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com