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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hey,fair ladies and handsome gentlemen!Need your generous offer of help!?

Question: Hey,fair ladies and handsome gentlemen!Need your generous offer of help!!?
Hi,fair ladies and handsome gentlemen!.I'm an Oriental from China and will start my adventure of Sorphomore next semester and I feel the life in uni is really not that wonderful as I ever thought when I was a kid!Everyday,get up at 6:45am and recite textbooks then set out to go to the classroom!.Hearing the ringing of the bell at 12:00pm, we leave for cafeteria!.You know,sometimes I have some business to deal with about my club which makes my life rich!.However,it may take a lot of time that I had dedided to spend on study!.You know,it's contradictory!Is there anybody able to tell me how to make a balance based on your experience!.Or what do you usually do in uni!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you need to do is give and take a little!. If you have an exam to study for or an assignment that will take a long time then study is your top priority, but if your schedule isn't too hectic then clubs win out!. It is a very difficult adjustment!. And i wish you the best of luck!. All you need do is get your priorities straight, after that you should fair pretty well!. Good luck! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps you could use some of your free time to volunteer or work a part-time job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Drop out of school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know exactly what you mean! Even though I'm only starting my first uni term this September, I've actually had that experience in High School!.

My first rule about getting into university is that the program your studying must be something you WANT to do!. You should wake up in the morning, feeling a bit of excitement you know, it might be a pain sometimes!.!.but in the end you really should enjoy what your doing!.

For example, the club you're doing, it makes your life a bit more interesting, right!? Why not pursue in the same field!.!.!.whatever it is!? Life is to short to live for other people and at the same time trying to keep track on yourself :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

2 things TO DO in uni, expecially if its your first time being in uni and doing your undergraduate studies:

1) Fall in love, as this distracts you from studies, makes you emotionally unstable and in the worst of situations, fail and get isolated from the "elite society", even if you argue that you are emotionally strong and have excellent support from "friends", lets face it, friends come and go and if they stay its only because they know they can get something from you!.!. In uni, we all use each other for selfish reasons!.!.

2) Be heartless, thoughtless, and hypocritical, cos thats the only way to survive the pain of no one who is genuinely helps you without any ulterior motive!.!. this sounds cynical but true!.!. We all have an ulterior motive when we are nice to people!.!. we all want something to help us get better grades in our degrees!.!. to help our low self esteem issues!.!. why do we have friends!? Because besides the usual excuse we use of not being lonely, loneliness is only what we think others view us as!.!. why do we network!? Besides the usual excuse of improving our lives in terms of our future careers and expanding our horizons, we want our basic needs to be met and satisfied at all times!.!.!.

By the way, buttering up doesnt always work :PWww@QuestionHome@Com