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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you find more freedom in negation and criticism than in acceptance and tolera

Question: Do you find more freedom in negation and criticism than in acceptance and tolerance!?
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Oh yes!.!.!. an air of negativity can bring upon comfort to a soul that is yearning to find herself!.!.!. while acceptance doesn't provide her with the fodder to better her!.!.!. it gives her nothing to work with!.!.!. and has her more lost than she was before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer for me is 50/50 on both!. One needs to have acceptance and tolerance in life!. We cannot possibility change certain things in life (such as can you change the fact the sun is going to rise every day!?)!. Yet, a person needs to have criticism because through curiosity and criticism we are able to change the future by digging deeper into reality and wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find more freedom in negation and criticism simply because if you are always doing things out of the ordinary or beyond what others what you to then you are going to be the one with discoveries that bring the world forward, and you won't care about being blackballed when you advance science!. You just move forward without caring about others judgement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually there is more restriction!. People not only dislike change but also the effector of change, thus it seems sensible to destroy the effector of change!. However by doing so we practice not only the freedoms of our power but also the limitations of our minds!. We retard our ability to dream beyond the present by destroying the future that is change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom to doubt is essential to learning!.
Though I may believe heartily in your right to hold any view you find reasonable, if I accept your word as truth without investigating further, I have learned only to avoid conflict -- there may be no objective reality involved at all!.

If, for example, my search is for reality and yours is for a fantasy that will calm you and give you false purpose, trusting you implicitly moves me no closer to my goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.it's not easy for me, personally, to be negative and critical!.!.!.it gives me a stomach ache to be like that!.!.!.I do better with trying to find a nook from which to stand and gauge a situation that is foreign to me and then go from there!.!.!.at least I have less of a chance of going bald by doing things this wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

For me, it's only easier to destroy something in a physical sense and that's largely due to my largeness!. However, negation and criticism don't come more freely to me than my largesse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes what dictator wouldn't!.
More freedom for me anyways!.
Outside myself I find more freedom in acceptance & tolerance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.in negations and criticism i express my individualism and
choices!.!.!.thats to me is the crux of freedom!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com