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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which are the best things that can derive from someone's deficient imaginati

Question: Which are the best things that can derive from someone's deficient imagination!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A "deficient" imagination produces seeds which can be brought to "life" by an imagination which can "water and feed" it!.

Or a good laugh at their stupidity is something else that can be had!. Yeah I'm mean!.!.!. I laugh at stupid people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is hard to comprehend the things of best out of deficient imagination!. It may be lacking in someone's thought but the very essence of imagination is the ability to play with the mind!. That for me is the best thing you could derive from that so-called deficient imagination!. Imagination i beleive makes a powerfull tool for a person to reach that dream!. Dream to come into reality is the utmost goal of every person to attain that success!. Success in life!

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.the power of logical thinking often locks one into scientific reasoning which can hinder imagination!.!.!.however, the good thing is that science, in and of itself, is frequently imaginative, which can teach us to "see" in more than 3 dimensions!.!.!.so, even the analytical mind can be "fed" by the very science it admiresWww@QuestionHome@Com

Their attention & ability to focus on one thing!.
No what ifs only what is happening!.
Blinker our imagination!.!.hmm
The last creative thought!.

Imaginary blinkers!.!.
I wonder if you can!.!.
No thoughts to bug us!.!.!.
Would life be much to bland!.!.!.
Imaginary blinkers!.!.!.
keeping us from harm!.!.!.
you who, who who!.!.!.
You might think that I've been drinking!.!.!.
Or my heads stuck up my bum!.!.!.
I'm glad the internet could join us!.!.!.
Now I don't feel like I'm so dumb!.

tehe :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

As an educator of youth, I have decided that helping a person without creativity and imagination to learn essential basic life skills serves them best!. People low on imagination can be excellently skilled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes they can learn a lot of quotations!
(OK, so I'm not the most imaginative person around -I'm still capable of some original thought occasionally)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That, my friend, is relative to your OWN imagination (or lack thereof)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An ego boost to your own imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably anything on network television!.Www@QuestionHome@Com