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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it your thoughts which express your sensations...?

Question: Is it your thoughts which express your sensations!.!.!.!?
or your sensations express your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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oh like that quote um!.!."did the chicken start eating the egg first, or did the egg start eating the chicken first"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that it is your thoughts which express your sensations!. In my opinion it would be the state of mind that you are in that allows you to enjoy a situation or environment!.

The following are two examples:

1!. You go to the movies with people you enjoy being around!. Most likely you will have a pleasant time due to the decision you made prior to the sensation regarding the people!.

2!. You go to the movies with people you do not enjoy being around!. Most likely you will not have a pleasant time due to the decision you made prior to the sensation regarding the people!.

Great question, certainly worth of a Star!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very good question!

Thoughts is a very powerful tool of the mind!. This is somewhat related as what Kan'ts refer as transcendental philosophy because it is a question tanscending sense-experience!. There are two grades or stages in this process of qorking up the the raw material of sensation into the finished product of thought!. The first stage is the coordination of sensations by appyling to them the forms of perception - space and time; the second stage is the coordination of perception - the categories of thought!.

I would say it is the mind that allocates its sensations in space and time, attributes them to this object here or object there, to this present time or to that past!. Space and time are not things perceived, but modes of perception, ways of putting sense into sensation, space and time are organs of perception!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a bit of both!. My thoughts and words (both my own and those of others) are generally used to express what I'm feeling, and certainly this would be more typical for me than the reverse!. However, there are times when my actions of touching and feeling can express what I'm thinking (such as in lovemaking), though this isn't quite as common for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts!.!.!.my sensations happen much to fast for me to link them to particular thoughts or words!.

And the first impression of my sensations are never usually the same as they are when I allow time to tell me what they really are or what I am really feeling inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sensations can only be experienced, thoughts can be expressed!. So I think your answer would be 'thoughts express sensations', but I think 'describe' is a better word than 'express'!. Although, our thoughts have an impact on our sensations and our sensations have an even bigger impact on our thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.mostly, it is sensations that govern my fantasies but in reality, my thoughts are kept in check by foresight and hindsightWww@QuestionHome@Com

terrific question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com