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Question: If you are your own best friend!.!.!.!?
who is your enemy!?

inspired by an answer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm of two minds about that!.
My best friend is my enemy!.
Me, myself, & Regwah!.
Who said that!?
"It wasn't me"
I'll get you for that!
"Behave yourself we are in the philosophy section"

Yourself, 'cause it's a tin line between hate and love!. Like you have your best friend and love him and trust him the most until he does something really bad and destroy all of the positive feelings that you have had about him and loose the respect for him, that's exactly what you can feel about yourself also (as long as you make good decisions about your life and feel satisfy about it, you will be your best friend, but in the moment when you make your big mistake you become your worst enemy 'cause in that moment you loose your self esteem and start to hate a little bit yourself)!. But hey, that's only my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I am my best friend, my enemy would be my life and adventures, difficulties, downfalls, failures, weakness but never myself !.

I shall never be my enemy, my perspective is different, my body and soul and mind are three different things, very different, if they are enemies how can they work together as a team!?

I have a different perspective in thinking, I hope you will understand as I see it is a major contrast among the others!.


!.!.!. I am my own friend but can also be my own enemy!.!.!.I can be both for enemies keep us on our toes or teach us to avoid that which is bad for us, so, in this way, I try to learn from my blunders and realize I am human after all!.!.!.by the way, this is an acquired skill for I was not always of this frame of mindWww@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!
My best friend is myself!.!.and my worst enemy is myself as well!
We chose how we use or abuse ourselves every single day!.!.We can shine or we can be found in a dustbin searching for food!. We have responsibility of ourselves!. Some might say that fear,sadness loneliness is their greatest enemy!. But no, it is we who allow fear to intrude!. I guess you get my point!.!.
By the way, ti ine i susurada!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's see!.!.!.
I am not my own best friend, I'm my own worst enemy!.
But if you're your own best friend!.!.!. who's your enemy!?
I'd guess "the system"!. "The system" is *every ones* enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If one focusses on being one`s own best friend, how can one know about enemies!?

As a matter of fact I can go further and say that if one focusses on friendship, one cannot have any enemies!.


The Devil Satan - messing with your mind and everybody else!.
You are simultaneously your own best friend and worst enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those that provoke the highest insecurity to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say myself!. I am very critical of myself!. !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not my own best friend, but I am my own worst enemy!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate it when I kick my own butt!.!.I do a better job than anyone could ever do!.!.ouch!.!.it hurts!.!.lol!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any bad thoughts that come into our mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your Shadow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone who tries to harm my best friend (or my other friends and/or family)!Www@QuestionHome@Com


just me when i fell hostile and anger, and nobody else!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are both our best friends and our worst enemies!.!.!.how frightening!Www@QuestionHome@Com