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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you give your life for God?

Question: Would you give your life for God!?
I expect honesty and nothing else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely not!.!.!.!.!.!. not even if God Himself comes to me and asks for it!!

First of all, if He is God and He has given me life, it is meaningless to suppose that He would ever need my life back!.

Secondly, if God comes and does ask for my life, I would know he is nothing but a fake!.

Thirdly, I would never be happier by trading my life with anything whatsoever, neither Heaven nor Salvation!. I love my life more than myself!!

Lastly, I am convinced that the only purpose my life can rightly serve is to make me happy with great experiences!.!.!.!.!. it is not meant for any other purpose whatsoever, so far as I am concerned!. Hence the only thing I can do with my life is to live it in the way that gives me great happiness through great experiences!.

I hope you find the above not only honest to the core, but also reasonably logical and meaningful!! Thank you for a great question!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is so much scope in this question!.

Everyday people throw away or give their lives in the name of a cause or over a belief in something!. Its exactly this that makes the question hard, since the things people believe in or place faith in will always be different!.

When something holds value in your life you make decisions about its welfare or priority based on its personal value to you!.

If your heart and mind believe something is worthwhile you will give all you have to it, if not you are likely to let it pass you by!.

To answer the question therefore, you need not ask who or what you give your life for, rather why you choose to give it for them!.

If god told me to lay down my life for no reason I would question it!.!.!. however if I chose to lay down my life in the name of god because of a belief in that being necessary, that is a totally different situation entirely!.

Often people pay the ultimate sacrifice for those they have the most trust and faith in!. If you truly believe someone has earnt such value in your heart you will die for them/or the cause!. If not then the answer is obvious and very individual from person to person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, god forbids suicide, and as he could never require anyone to give his life, if their time is not over, unless he takes it himself, I would never do anything to insult god for the life he has given me!. I would for human beings if it was for the good of them or mankind in general!. I really would!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive seen and known people who gave their life for !.!.!. drugs , sex = aids !.

for just too much food = stoke !.

for too much alcohol!.!.!.!.

for anger

for deprision

the list goes on!. !.!.!.!.

so !.!.!.!. id rather give it to God than drugs and the troubles of life !. for in God ill find peace and love !.!.!.!. ill find aboundace and success !.!.!. in God ill find life it self ! their is no death with the creator of life it self !.!.!. God !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't be worrying about whether you would be brave enough to die for Him!. You should be concerned on whether you can live for Him!.

He died for you, why not live for Him!? He didn't put us on here so that he could find out whether or not we would die for Him!. The Saints and martyrs for their faith didn't decide before hand whether they would die for Him before they were killed!. They didn't know when they would have to make that sacrifice!.

An even greater sacrifice is to live your life for Him!. I'm eighteen years old and about to start college in the fall, but more recently I have found my life's problems a very difficult cross to carry and I told my self that I would probably go do soem missionary work and put my life at high risk so that if I died, I would be a martyr of my faith!. Now, I wouldn't have to face my problems anymore and I would give my life to Him!.

I knew that this was wrong and that subconsciously, I was justifying a terrible thing!. It is much more difficult to live your life for Him than it is to die for Him!. You have to face being ridiculed and maligned for what you believe in and your hopes and plans for the world!.

So as I put that "martyr" plan away!. I bagan to go back to some of my Confirmation (I'm Catholic) books and read the stories of the lives of Saints and Martyrs and of course the big honcho Christ!. I decided that it would be best to imitate how the lived their lives and not how they died!. My life would be better spent this way!.

Going back to my "martyr" plan, I still haven't fully given up on the idea!. I am prepared to do what I have to do for peace and social justice in the world!. If that means going down to the Middle East and confronting terrorists or facing the same type of people here in Dallas or at Austin in the fall, then I will be a peacemaker whereever I go!. Changing the world by living the Gospel and not by thumping it on people's heads!.

I've done missionary work in the summers, but I plan to do more extreme and lengthy ones when I'm 40 and tired of getting old!.

I will pray for you and hope that everything works out!. You are not alone!.

I recommend reading this great book, "She said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom Of Cassie Bernall" about the Columbine incident a couple of years ago!. I read it in like 4 hours and it was pretty tubular!.

I really can't believe I wrote all that, gosh you can tell I have time on my hands!. So feel free to message me for more if you need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. He gave me life, I'm here to live it!. When He wants it back, who am I to stop him!? I'm not sure I believe everything that bible has to say, I'm actually not sure where I got my beliefs, but my opinion is that everything happens for a reason!. I'm just going to be happy while life lasts, because it isn't a forever thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you mean by "God!."

If I get to choose what is meant, then yes of course, I'd give it in ecstasy; have I really any no to say!?

If I don't get to choose, then no I wouldn't give my life - I'll hang on to all that I know, rather than give it all away out of pure fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is not in such a pitiable state!. Human's life is nothing to God!. He never expects so!. If it is God's will that you have to end your life, He can give you either painful or painless death at the same moment He decides!. He need not ask you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's silly!.
How can you give your life for God!?

How can you give your life!?

Your life is just your life!. It is the same thing as God!. It's made of the same stuff!. You can't give it or not give it, it already is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think God would ever be in need to ask for my life to support Him!.
Since we accept God gave us Life, he can take it as He wishes!.

If we don't accept that it is God who gave us Life, there would never be a reason to give this Life to Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, unless I knew that He would live his life for me in return!.

besides, being a nun would mean to give up sex and smoking and that would definitely make me feel!.!.!. dead inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God has given me this life and God will take it when He wants!. What is mine in me is His!. I do not understand this 'for God'!. That sounds like (human) fanaticism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He never asked!. And He is not as dumb as you, to even ask that question, let alone the act!. God = love!.

You can't give your life to an imaginary being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are reminded we are ants cast into this world upon a whim, and snuffed out upon the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, and I try daily to give my life for God!. But if he required it then he can have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God already has it !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not!?


No business mind there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't even if he existed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

hell!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i mean hec noWww@QuestionHome@Com
