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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does humor make life more bearable?

Question: Does humor make life more bearable!?
Does having a sense of humor make your life more bearable through the tough times!? I think it does but so many people let life get them down and bog themselves down with the bad that they don't let themselves feel the fun or joy of just being alive!. Why do they try to do it to others as well!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Humor has saved my life many times!. You are right in that some people can't stand to see it in others!. It is best to avoid them!. But also to look within yourself for that same attitude when things do get you down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think laughter covers up the issues!. When I was younger I used to let everything upset me and my stomach would get so ill I couldnt keep food down!. Now I laugh more and dont take things so seriously!. I dont cover things up with laughter but I have just learned that you know what things are going to hurt, make me sad and make me angry but if I cant learn from it and and find the humor in it I am just gonna be bitter!. I dont want to be better!. Which answers your other question, others are bitter so that is why they want you to feel the same!. Just keep laughing!. If it makes you feel good than forget them!. Besides there are studies that prove that laughter improves the quality of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever heard these phrases!?:

"misery loves company"
"laughter is the best medicine"

or something along those lines (this is off the top of my head)
but yeah!. When people are miserable, I think they try to bring others down as well (and I've been there) because it's like a cry for help!. They want to be happy, but don't know how!.

And this question made me think of a book I read!. It was written by a Holocaust surviver and is called The Cage!. Well, her little brother was dying and it was only them and their siblings left because the Nazis took their mother away while the sick boy was hidden under the floor boards!. He would always be the one to make them laugh and was always optimistic about life though!.

I thought this was so sweet, that he could make everyone laugh with his sweet sense of humor in the midst of such hard times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ABSOLUTELY! Life can be tremendously unbearable during tough times! If you don't have a sense of humor, you could completely shut down and do something unthinkable, as well as irreversible!.

I know some people like that!. They are just miserable!. And you know what they say!.!.!.misery loves company!.

Unfortunately, I also know a girl that's just so bored that she makes up drama, or she'll just make a mountain out of a molehill at the drop of a hat!. That's pretty sad to me, because I wonder what's going to happen to her when something REALLY bad does happen!?

Anyway, don't let the turkeys get you down! Just keep smiling and remember, if you didn't have a rain shower, you'd never be able to appreciate a rainbow!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are so young, and yes, humor makes life more bearable!. And some sadness must be lived through and cannot be laughed away!. It has to do with coping ability!. It is not that people won't let themselves feel the fun or joy, they just can't cope with the blows they have suffered enough to recover and get past them!. That is what Post Traumatic Stress is!. It is easier to blame the victims (accuse them of trying to spread their misery) then to understand them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good laugh that famous people do is funny and my husband and I listen to morning radio and get a chuckle from radio DJs!. I like Yahoo forum because I can laugh and it is like Vincent Peale said that laughter is great!! I love Monty Python shows because when I laugh I feel better!. Hey if watching Family Guy makes you laugh you will feel better! I still laugh about the Obama and Jesse act and that will be a classic!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humor covers up our problems, but doesn't fix them!. It can also give you a false feeling that everything is okay when in fact it is not!. And why do they try do it to others, misery likes company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah having good humor makes for a better life because you can't take life too seriously because you'll never get out alive and you can't take the money with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com




What is the "fun or joy of just being alive"!?

A cockroach is just alive but I doubt there is much fun or joy in that!.

So many tiresome cliches people use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These people must have a very troubled life!.!.!.or probably evil!.!.!.when my mom passed away not that long ago I think humor helped me alot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

missery loves company!.!.!.!.!.

look in a mirror and laugh, cause everone else is!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
