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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you imagine the suffering of some senior citizens caused by an ageing body a

Question: Can you imagine the suffering of some senior citizens caused by an ageing body and a faulty memory!?
Especially if they live a very lonely life, and have to rely on themselves to stay alive!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, yes!.

I am doing it now!.

It is not as miserable as you may think, but it is very confusing!.

Excellent question!.

I do not live a lonely life, I have wonderful neighbors and friends and I rely on them to help me!. And they do!.

But that does not change the confusion or the desire to be independent!. Sometimes I forget who a person is or what they want; and all they want to do is help!.

Excellent question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not need for me to imagine it!.!.!.!. I see it happening in everybody's family, having parents, grand parents, old aunts and uncles (enough times childless and therefore quite alone!.!.!.)!.
It is the duty of us, healthy and still going on well, people, to take care and offer respect to those needy people, to make them feel that they are not a burden to their family!. If we respect old age, chances are old age will respect us in return!. So, I like to think!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, why!? I practically live it! I've been having senior moments since I was 20, and I've been poor and on my own for a long time so!.!.!.it's part of human existence, you know, to grow old and feeble!. And not every old person lives with family!. Some tribes put their elders out to die of exposure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I can!. I watched my mother die of Alzheimer's disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I can I do I see my folks have it happen, its rather more a moment of peace!?

What we see what we aspire, even at age forty is what we are, we achieve where we go in the light of where we are and what we are given but at this age personal responsibility can make you wonder about what change is and what can become of us!.

Agist discrimination aside, you gotta wake up always with this is the first day for the rest of my life I am gonna enjoy it and have fun, many folks retired tell me they have never been busy, but within the denial their hollow look betrays such a line, there is nothing wrong with being honest, but I am a firm believer in what you focus on you tend to get!?

What you focus on you tend to get!? Surely being aged and decaying in the mind is not so bad, unless of course you always felt you freedom always was as an enlightened thinker and were proud of who you are for the wrong reasons, I dont mean not taking pride in what you do how you do, rather placing credence only on worshipping numerology like it is the bees knees and best thing since sliced bread!?

I mean what if some government official says no bread, every body becomes stuffed except those whom use any means at their disposal to do what they have to because they want to!. I mean you might not agree with me, but imagine a mischievous imp!? At age six it might have been cute at aged thirty its definately unacceptable even in psychiatric nut cases but examine a cantankerous old male bugga who thinks he is funny saying I am a naughty boy touching up the nurses!? Seriously, what become of sexual attraction surely we dont loose it just because we age!? May it never be, if you truly love someone, how do you express your love!? Some think senior citizenships are liscenced to abused power attorneys, abused bullying as having power over lives from folks taking too much upon themselves so prefer to hot spot folks than engender their cooperation!?

We live in a world far too hostile already to not be kind, decent genuine better able to serve humanity with a better attitude, if I feel bad, I leave it at home, if I feel frustrated I find out why, and I search the recypriocity of cooperation in others by the very fact that which unites us is far greater than any division any adversity that our common lot in humanity is about a shared caring with compassion hope and love!.

My gift is my song, I love singing for my dimented mother whom never knew I could sing well, as a baritone its six octaves now, but above all its a gift I can not brag about its three tones lower than Paul Robson and goes high when relaxed as Baritones often do, but my regret, I am ameature untrained and cannot and never have been able to train it so sing voluntarily in a church choir free, I care for my mom because her ideas gave me hope through twenty five years of absolute prejudice yet see my sister so far in denial about fear in admitting her own weakness she makes women weak by not accepting her own betrayal in knowing wrong can be fixed where there is hope!.

Where hope in life exists, what was your favorite song, where did you hear it sung best, who sang it and where, what did it mean to you there and then, and where ever you are, if I sang it would it make a difference knowing I am in Sydney and broke but never poor!?Www@QuestionHome@Com