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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whether affluence can give us happiness?

Question: Whether affluence can give us happiness!?
There are many billioners and millioners in the globe!. In third world countries also, there are several rich people!. Are they happy in proportion to their wealth or whether affluence alone can contribute happiness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
if you'll dig!.!.!.you'll find the happier ones are the ones who give their wealth for the betterment of man!.!.!.!.!.cancer hospitals,etc!.!.!.then on the flip side you'll see the Hollywood types whose lives can best be described as train wrecks waiting to happen!.!.their $$ didn't do all that much except for the moment then it's faded away!. pretty easy math as far as I'm concerned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money cannot bring happiness it just eases the burden of life especially when you are very poor!.

Having no money brings tensions, having no money for food brings hardship and starvation!. Having too much money can also bring its problems if you are not brought up to bear the burden of responsibility which should come with wealth!. I would site Paris Hilton as being one such young lady spoiled by money which has not brought her happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is a state of being!.!.!.created when we are at one with the world!.!.

money can provide situations where happy circumstances may be found!.!.!. it cannot however create that way of being!.!.!.

materialism is the enemy of spirituality!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com