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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone in your life that you loved changed so much that it put you in a deep

Question: Has anyone in your life that you loved changed so much that it put you in a deep depression!?
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Well, I wouldn't really call it a deep depression so much as disapproving shock!.

My cat of three years (five years old), whom I was incredibly close with, came home one day (he was an outdoors cat) with a dead bird and was sniffing it by the door!.
I was utterly repulsed - he'd never done anything like this - and to me, it seemed like he was a different beast than the playful, innocent kitten that I knew!.
I got angry at him for killing the bird and promptly cleaned everything up!. It only happened again once or twice, and each time was the same: he'd bring a dead bird to the door, I'd get sad and plead him not to do it again, even though I knew he couldn't comprehend English!.
It was pretty much as if!.!.!.I never knew him!. He spent most of his time outdoors, and I didn't know what happened to him for the!.!.!.say, 9 hours he'd be outside!. For the three years that I've had him, he'd been going outdoors for two of the three years, and I never really found out the exact places he went to!. He always came home that evening, or on a few rare occasions later, the next morning!.
One day, he went outside and never came back!. And it was all my fault for a variety of reasons - he'd been staying outside overnight recently and I didn't investigate on the matter, for example - and now it's like, what do I do!? I'm never going to know where he went for the rest of my life!. What happened to him!. It's been nearly a year, actually, since then!. We were just really close and!.!.!.yeah!.
It was only later, after a lot of contemplation, that I realized he could've started bringing the dead birds to the doorstep as a gift, I heard cats do that sometimes!. Then I thought about all the times I got angry at him over it and scolded him!.

That put me in a deep depression!.

To answer your question (sorry about the long story): Maybe the person hasn't changed; like, the person was who the person always was, and is just now showing certain traits that were not obvious before, or simply is going through a difficult time!. If it's due to the difficult time, help them through it the best you can!. Hang on to the person before he/she drifts away!. If you're close to the person, confront him/her about it!. Of course, I'm not in your situation and can't really help!. But good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Has anyone in your life that you loved changed so much that it put you in a deep depression!?

Not that the person had change so much was the reason that was depressed, but more so that --

,I had realized that the things I wanted to ignore ,when I first met this person was who this person was! I was depressed because this person was never going to change, because this is who he was!! Cheers!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, yes!. The fact that they simply changed didn't depress me so much as what that change caused them to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats not loving them!.!.!.!.thats loving the image that you thought they wereWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, right after she gave me the bootWww@QuestionHome@Com