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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can wisdom make you bitter and lonely?

Question: Can wisdom make you bitter and lonely!?
There aren't too many details to add, but did you ever open your eyes and see something and find a sense of bitterness and loneliness follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knowledge can make one lonely and bitter, but knowledge is not wisdom!.

Knowledge is an accumulation of purported facts!. Facts are often in dispute and therefor knowledge becomes a burden begging the question of what to believe!.

Wisdom is different!.

Wisdom comes through discernment!. Wisdom comes with understanding!. Wisdom comes with compassion!.

Wisdom is knowing how to use knowledge; what to keep and what to drop!.

Knowledge always defers to wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are wise and bitter, it probably means you are happy in other aspects of life!. If you are lonely it could be because the other people around you were foolish!.

For instance, drugs may be something that must of your friends do, but it isn't wise!. If you refuse to take it, you may lose any relationship you had with them which could make you bitter and lonely for a while, but that relationship wasn't worth having anyway!. also, if you had, you would have lost your real friends who were looking out for you!. doing the right thing or being wise may cause problems sometimes, but it prevents even more issues down the line!. The problem is that foolish people can't tell the difference between wise decisions and foolish decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wisdom in the sense that people think of it!.!. "knowing everything" in itself is not possible!. Now what happens is how you interpret what wisdom you have!. If you spend your entire life in the pursuit of knowledge, then when you reach the end, if and only if you are TRULY wise you will find, that there is still so much left to learn!.
What happens here is sense you have spent so much of your life pursuing wisdom in the hope it will give you happiness your are let down to find that wisdom is difficult, impossible really, to attain!. This would make you bitter!. And having spent your entire life in the pursuit of knowledge you will find that few, probably none, still stand by you, making you very lonely indeed!.

However, if you attained your wisdom by LIVING, learned from experience, and lived your life to the fullest!. Then you really have no reason to be lonely or bitter; and still you find that you are wise, and always have been by living out your life correctly!. Carpe Diem, my friends! Carpe Diem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think knowledge could make you bitter and lonely, especially in the face of expectation!.

I think wisdom would suggest the ability to use that knowledge in the best possible way and wouldn't contribute to bitterness or loneliness!. Wisdom would actually steer you away from those things, toward appreciation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wisdom can make you lonely when you look around and see foolishness and when you lapse in character and make an unwise decision!.

Some things learned through wisdom can make one feel bitter!. Like when considering how it is IMPOSSIBLE to attain complete knowledge of life!. The life span is the worst limit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend "Ecclesiastes", written by Solomon!.

1:18 The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief!.
To increase knowledge only increases sorrow!.

It seems he dealt with this matter, perhaps his story would be useful to you!. It is a short book, only 12 chapters long and each chapter is fairly short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Surley worldly wisdom will make you bitter and lonely!.
But Godly wisdom will bring comfort and everlasting friends!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who have gained great knowledge!.!.!.!.!.

are aware of more!.!.!.and can become disallusioned!.!.!.dissappointed!.!.!.bitter and lonely!.!.!.!.!.

but it is a choice!.!.!.!.isn't it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wise person will know how to deal with what they see!. Those with open eyes are ready for what they see and are given this gift of wisdom to solve problems and fix what they see!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no it makes you very popular and irresitible to the opposite sex ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com