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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your take on free will?

Question: What's your take on free will!?
I was wandering if anyone agrees that free will is indeed just an illusion!. Free will makes sense for most people who think of it in an ordinary and non philosophical context!

It is a concept we all intuitively seem to think we have and understand what it means, until we investigate it!.

However many have said the idea is not really coherent in that how can it be said to be 'free will' if it means some sort of randomness!.

If there is something truly random then in what sense is it determined by anyone!? If I determine it then it's not random and if I don't determine it then it's not me acting and it's not free will!.

Therefore there does seem to be a real paradox about free will - we all want to say we have it but what does it really mean!?

Many are led to believe that really there is no free will but just the illusion to it due to the very complex natWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are talking about the supposed free will granted by God, free will exists, but only after we are born!. If I had the choice, I would not have been born!. Free will is not completely free!. We are free to make choices, but not necessarily the ones we want to make!. We are given certain choices, and we must choose between them!. That is hardly free will!. It's like being forced to choose between Bush and Kerry!. What a screwed array of selections that was!. Often, our choices are made for us!. Other times, the choices are so opposite that no one in their right mind would take either one, but again we are forced!. Think of the folks on United Flight 93!. Sit in your chair and die, or beat up the hijackers and die!. Either way you die!. The choice to die or live was not theirs!. No free will there!. The free will of the passengers was taken away by the free will of the hijackers!. God can be a real a$$ sometimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we choose our choices according to our knowledge and experience

our knowledge and experience are not entirely controlled by us

but we can control what we learn and what we experience partially

so it is not a black and white or paradox question

it is a question of how much you want to actually have free will

i actually try to control what i experience and learn so i might have more free will than the person next to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is a continuum of free will!. Amoebas have basically none, mammals have more, and humans the most of any earth species!. We are still ruled quite a bit by instinct and biological urges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very expensive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the use of will power is free!. only the things that we do with it create consequences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com