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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could you imagine the world always in a dysphoria?

Question: Could you imagine the world always in a dysphoria!?
What do you imagine it would be like!?

There would be no happy music!?

Everything extremely depressing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is what are you saying it is not!. Terrorists killing people around the world

People killing and kidnapping people

Iran having missiles tested


The American dollar going down along with rise in gas prices!.

Open your eyes and watch CNN or Fox cable news


we are getting close to it!.!.!.!.

A war were everyone is against everyone, no allies!.

Police and Military killing or capturing people that they dont like

music would only be patriotic stuff

no movies on TV, just news about people dieing

loud colors like yellow orange and red would be prohibited lol

bombings and shootings

5pm curfew for everyone

cant think of anything elseWww@QuestionHome@Com